The drums of war update

A-Spec First Assault

Engaging space combat simulator, using a realistic flight system with Newtonian physics, sophisticated and diverse gameplay featuring detailed ship systems, including ship weaponry and module customization.

[b]Patch Notes 0.12.3[/b] [i]Overview[/i] [list] [*]Big improvements to all sound effects! [*]Lots of other miscellaneous improvements! [*]Bug fixes! [/list] [i]Known Issues[/i] [list] [*]Autospeed match 'close' setting does not work as expected [*]Colliders for Fighter, Gunship, Carrier, and Large Transport are not optimized for best-fitting [*]Jump-out animations are not scaled correctly for ships bigger than a gunship [*]Guard My Target command is not implemented [/list] [i]Added[/i] [list] [*]Vessel names can now be randomly generated [*]AI Actor will now change targets if another hostile is more of a threat [*]AI Actor uses a fuzzy target selection of the nearest hostile (rather than using the 'Select closest hostile' command) [*]Ship wings will now jump in formation to their leader [*]Flash Radar Quadrant On Hit effect attached to a toggle option in Options > Game [*]Added Autogun (XXS) as a replacement primary weapon for hostile fighters in the prologue (due to fixing AI firing weapons slowly) [*]Added UI Volume slider [*]Audio priorities adjustments for sound effects during gameplay to better manage many simultaneous playing sounds [/list] [i]Changed[/i] [list] [*]Controller Glyphs now display the control element descriptor for controllers without a defined glyph icon [*]Prologue mission 1: Added Throttle Axis to help glyphs [*]Prologue mission 1: Removed diagonal help glyphs as the vertical and horizontal glyphs communicate this [*]Prologue mission 2: Updated directives text regarding waypoint references in line with Prologue mission 1 [*]Prologue mission 3: Removed the distress call waypoint when in range [*]Prologue mission 7: Fixed typo during friendly spawn message near end of mission [*]Corrected spelling and grammar throughout all prologue mission briefings and debriefings [*]Navigation tutorial 2: Can now use throttle axis during throttle acceleration and deceleration section [*]Navigation tutorial 2: Allowed 8-way hat to work during diagonal thrust sections [*]Navigation tutorial 3: Disabled autopilot [*]Mining beam SFX replacement [*]Increased size of flare and muzzle VFX for mining beam [*]Removed hull Hit Effect for mineable asteroids and normal asteroids due to excessive calls from using the mining beam [*]Updated main missions and side missions to use directives and monitoring panels as needed [*]Dying throes explosions VFX/SFX improved [*]Death explosions VFX/SFX improved [*]Gun sound effects improved [*]Round robins used for repetitive sound effects (i.e. gunshots, impacts, explosions, etc) [*]Replaced most Heads Up Display sound effects [*]Directives Panel: When directive status changes the text now flashes with an audible bleep [*]Player Received Transmission: Play audio bleep at the start of a transmission [*]Main menu: Increased vertical button spacing for easier mouse highlighting on mouse over [/list] [i]Fixed[/i] [list] [*]Prevented mineable asteroids and Mining Station from being pushed around easily [*]Particle explosions from weapon damage on the player seem to jitter/skitter during player movement [*]Attempt to set pitch to infinite value from script ignored! [*]Prevented autopiloting out of Skirmish when all enemies were destroyed [*]Explosion lighting source only lights up for 1 second, where it should be limited for the particle animation time [*]Turret Railgun shell mass not scaled correctly (decreased accordingly) [*]Burst Autocannon 2/4/8 shell mass not set correctly (increased accordingly) [*]Impact Hull/Armour SFX now calculated for pooled items [*]Audio Asset pooling counts are under-calculated for guns and launchers [*]Skirmish: Player not spawning in the correct position [*]Projectile spawn location offsets more as the shooter's velocity increases [*]Primary weapons fire faster the more the gun control subsystem is damaged [*]AI Actor would trigger pull-release for each primary weapon shot, unintentionally slowing down the fire rate of fast-firing weapons [*]Button UI audio interactions are not affected by the audio volume sliders [*]Fixed duplicate audio sources from being created for parent objects not added to the pooling system [*]Fixed issue of audio popping where played audio was stopped too early for explosions [*]AI Actor severely under-calculated the effective firing range (effectively preventing the AI Actor from using primary weapons) [*]Prologue mission 2: After mining 1st asteroid, engines should not be activated until 2nd asteroid is targeted [*]Prologue mission 4: Enemies at Navpoint 2 can no longer be goaded in to attacking the player instead of transports [/list]