Demo update 0.11.7

A-Spec First Assault

Engaging space combat simulator, using a realistic flight system with Newtonian physics, sophisticated and diverse gameplay featuring detailed ship systems, including ship weaponry and module customization.

[b]Patch Notes 0.11.7[/b] [i]Overview[/i] [list] [*]Bugfixes and improvements [/list] [i]Known Issues[/i] [list] [*]Autospeed match 'close' setting does not work as expected [*]Carrier and Large Transport do not have death animations and blink out of existence on death [*]Colliders for Fighter, Gunship, Carrier, and Large Transport are not optimized for best fitting [*]Jump-out animations are not scaled correctly for ships bigger than a gunship [/list] [i]Fixed[/i] [list] [*]Loading screen very occasionally gets stuck when exiting a mission [*]Playing a campaign mission followed by playing a skirmish or tutorial mission would get stuck on the loading screen on launching the mission. [*]Alt key descriptor for keyboard glyph does not fit correctly [*]Reduce text size for normal key descriptor glyphs for better fitting [/list]