The Awakening Raid Event!

Death or Glory

Death or Glory: the ultimate duelling card game! Explore exciting realms that are the proving grounds for heavenly warriors, mighty beasts, powerful mechs, and more. Build your champion deck in a roguelike adventure mode and score ranks in intense battles against fellow champions!

[b]New Game Event : The Awakening Raid [/b] Challenge the awakened in a brand-new game mode which will test your determination in an all-out Boss Fight between the Living Legend and your champions! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/9a973206833eaead99f15e21b4a1279757970f6a.png[/img] [b]What is a raid?[/b] This new game mode will feature an all-new system that expands a single battle into multiple rounds. Raid bosses have extremely high HP and powerful scaling abilities that makes prolonged battles very tough to handle. But you are not alone, the power of one may not be enough but what about the power of 5! Call on the help of other champions to battle the boss by switching into them for the next round. With a combination of big missiles from techies, big spells from spellslingers and gigantic punches from warriors, even the impossible will start to seem possible. [b]How to join raids? [/b] Join raid battles by using event tickets that can be easily earned through playing Dueling mode and completing daily challenges during the event. Entering a raid will cost a certain number of tickets according to the difficulty of the battle. Every damage done to raid bosses will count towards a final score that will be tallied for rewards across the event period. Higher difficulties and defeating raid bosses will award you with additional score multipliers at the end of the battle. Accumulate more raid score to unlock all of the exclusive card backs available during the event, along with new and more interesting awards that will come in future raids. This is our first beta raid event, so we will be carrying over a portion of the score earned into the next raid to award players for joining in and helping us innovate this mode and mechanic further. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/4ceb12b39c24d87ece7d0dd9b96b04bb08858886.png[/img] [b]The Bosses [/b] Three bosses have emerged from the shadows of the lost city with an eerie power surrounding them. This phenomenon is known as the Awakening where the inner power of one becomes unleashed, empowering them over time to unimaginable heights. Fight against Test Subject 41507 the Rabid Dog, Dila the Barbarian Axeman and Qian Shou the Living Legend in the ultimate arena. With an enormous pool of HP, the battle will be tough as a bad move may cost you the game if they gain an opportunity to burst you with combos. Additionally, as the battle progresses, a new perk that they gain is the Awakening, which allows them to draw additional cards and start turns with increased action points. There will come a point where the Legend herself will become unstoppable and that is the time to switch into your next champion to continue into the next round where their awakening will be reset and the opportunity for a comeback arises. Take your time to learn your own champion and others that you switch into to find a big combo and win the fight! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/6f96b4b156cdf49f43b3f299f662b580bcb98eec.png[/img] [b]What is next?[/b] This is Death or Glory’s first Early Access event raid, and we are excited to hear the feedback from players to implement changes and improvements for the next event. We have scheduled more events such as tournaments and other raids into the content schedule for the coming months leading up to Early Access. The introduction of the character switch mechanic is the first step to our upgrade plans to the PVE experience as well as a potentially interesting inclusion into PVP as limited time modes and party rules. Gameplay wise we are in the process of making two additional features in to the raid mode, the fist being deck edits and special PVE specific cards, secondly is a carry on system that brings more elements from previous rounds into the next after a switch to develop cross character synergies that could be exciting. New rewards systems and exclusive items such as special card arts are also in the pipeline for the next events that are also just around the corner. [b]New Feature – Battle Tips [/b] In this update we are also launching a new tips feature that will share with new players what kinds of strategies and gameplay details they should look out for whilst playing different characters. This feature is automatically enabled after the update and can be toggled on and off through the settings menu. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/a4223584f53e6535bc5254d5a7e464089102f157.png[/img] [b]Character Balancing[/b] [b]Lee the Dragon Master[/b] [i]After analysing the deck builds and momentum of his deck, we’ve concluded that he is currently too flexible for the current meta. This originated from several buffs and overhauls we made in previous balance patches where we made the upper and lower combo cards have effects trigger at a much higher rate which essentially made Lee restriction-less with his ability to recover action points. Along with the eye poke and knee kick package which was both a game winner and a set up card 2 in 1, there was really no downside to him when up against most other champions. This patch will see several of Lee’s core package toned down as we think he is heavily limiting a lot of slower decks with just his base cards alone. This may or may not be too heavy coupled with the last update so we may give some strength back to Lee in the future but in a different form that the approach we took with action points and flexibility.[/i] [b]Knee Kick and Eye Poke [/b] Momentum increase : 1 > 0 [b]Knee Kick X [/b] Text Change : Draw a card. If an Upper Strike is in play, draw 2 cards instead. > If an Upper Strike is in play, draw 3 cards. [b]Eye Poke X [/b] Text Change: Apply Daze(1) to your opponent. If a Lower Strike is in play, apply Daze(2) instead and you are granted Stealth > If a Lower Strike is in play, apply Daze(3) to your opponent. [b]Crouching Dragon X [/b] Remove Text : This attack is both an Upper and Lower Strike Card. Added Text : You are granted Strength to Strength. [b]Redeye the Werewolf [/b] [i]Bleeding is a mechanic that is synonymous with the imagery of a hungry werewolf with anger management issues. We want to enable more synergies and play arounds with this mechanic so it will become a viable direction in Redeye’s deck builds. [/i] [b]Eviscerate [/b] Added Text : If your opponent is already bleeding, increase damage by 2. [b]Eviscerate X [/b] Text Change : Apply Bleeding(3X) to your opponent, where X is your Bloodlust. < Apply Bleeding(2X) to your opponent, if your opponent is already bleeding, increase damage by 3. [b]Endless Hunger X [/b] Added Text : If your opponent is Bleeding, draw X cards. [b]Bloodboil X[/b] Text Change : This is a Single-Use card < This is a Single-Use card unless your opponent is bleeding. [b]Roxxor the Giant [/b] [i]Choke is a cool mechanic that we want to be in the spotlight a bit more, especially for a big giant. Trunk Whack was also underwhelming as a parry card, along with the fact that Roxxor is quite vulnerable to big damage, we redesigned the card into a Counter card. [/i] [b]Head Twist [/b] Added Text : If your opponent already has Grapple applied to them, apply Choke(6) instead. [b]Head Twist X [/b] Momentum Cost : 2 < 4 Damage value : 7 < 8 Removed old text and added new text : Apply Choke(8) to your opponent. [b]Trunk Whack [/b] Changed card type : Parry < Counter Momentum Cost : 0 < 1 Added Text : You are granted Reprisal [b]Trunk Whack X[/b] Changed card type : Parry < Counter Momentum Cost : 0 < 1 New Text : You are granted Reprisal and Determined. [b]Susan the Sniper[/b] [i]Lock-on is a sniper’s most unique trait, but it has been underwhelming and synergizes poorly. Which doesn’t make sense for a sniper. We are making small buffs to 3 cards that play around the mechanic and decreasing the benefits of Kinetic Release so that games won’t be completely one sided depending on draw. [/i] [b]Targeting Drone[/b] Ammo Cost : 2 > 1 Damage value : 2 > 1 [b]Power Shot [/b] Added Text : If Lock-On is active, your attack speed is increased by 1 [b]Power Shot X [/b] Text Change : If Lock-On is active, your attack damage and speed are increased by the value of your Lock-On. [b]Silent Shot X [/b] Damage Value : 8 > 7 Removed text : If Lock-On is active, your attack damage is increased by 3. This attack is Piercing. New text : This attack is Piercing. If you have not taken damage this turn and Lock-On is active, draw a card. [b]Kinetic Release [/b] Damage Boost Value : 5 > 3 [b]Kinetic Release X[/b] Damage Boost Value : 12 > 8 and 5 > 3 [b]Crystal the Ice Faerie[/b] [i]The effects from Hypothermia X were too much for a simple trigger and its just not a fun mechanic to overuse. [/i] [b]Hypothermia X [/b] Remove Text : If your opponent is Frozen, apply Daze(8). Added Text : This card costs no Mana, if your opponent is Frozen. [b]Life from Within X [/b] Heal value : 4 < 5 Remove Text : If your Arcane Resonance is 3 or above, Heal (8) instead. Added Text : You are granted Regen(1) [b]A.T.A.C.R [/b] [i]Small tweaks to the defense package of the mech and a buff to the damage boost playstyle[/i] [b]Repulsion Field [/b] Added condition : Draw a card if your health is 15 or less [b]Lots of Bullets X [/b] Damage Boost requirement : 10 > 9 [b]Death and Destruction X[/b] Remove Exhaustion Added Text : This is a Single Use card. [b]Taj the Witch Doctor [/b] [i]Discard triggered abilities prove to be above curve and frustration to play against in PVP. [/i] [b]Maleficent Spirit X [/b] Remove Discard triggers for Fear and Poison [b]Enryu the Gargantusaur – King of the Monsters[/b] Damage boosted by cards in hand : 2 < 3 [b]Tori the Paladin – Strength [/b] Damage value : 6 > 5 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/151ddccbe39bbc5c2a37ddefd7e06e9a55d55d8a.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/aaa6aebe679a6404f9c679bbfd13f211a6d32406.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/e240874a7a1f95cda74de2c3dcb5cc2add436c10.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/5a8be9fe22ccc4945c9481d25c40f76a7cfac514.jpg[/img] [b]Bugs and Performance fixes[/b] [list] [*] Bugs regarding reported cards has been fixed [*] Certain text overlaps whilst being dazed has been fixed [*] Performance optimizations have been made that results in a decrease in memory requirements. This could potentially improve the performance of players who have crashed due to an Async Event:HTTP. Further improvements are scheduled for a June release. [*] Enigma Sphere Ai changes [/list]