Grapple or be Grappled : Roxxor the Giant is out NOW!

Death or Glory

Death or Glory: the ultimate duelling card game! Explore exciting realms that are the proving grounds for heavenly warriors, mighty beasts, powerful mechs, and more. Build your champion deck in a roguelike adventure mode and score ranks in intense battles against fellow champions!

[b]EA 0.1.5[/b] [u][b]Patch Highlights[/b][/u] [list] [*] Roxxor the Giant - New Character Release! [*] New A.T.A.C.R Skin - The D.I.V.E module [*] New Adventure Map - The Hollowed Entity [*] Alternate Art function for Cards is now available [*] Performance Improvements [/list] This is Death or Glory’s first EA major update with new champions and content available now! Go on an adventure with Roxxor the Giant, a warrior that moves slow but throws stones and trees that will hit like a truck! Explore his unique Grapple and Throw mechanics that can control your opponent for the entire turn and follow up with a massive swing that can potentially OTK. Master his resources to go on the latest adventure in the Hollowed Entity where the curses of the dark arcanist have poisoned and drained the swamps from all life itself. This new adventure will feature 3 new Allies and powerful bosses that will test your limits and skills in battle. Find your path to victory by exploring the possibilities and dispel the curse that befell the swamps. We are also excited to launch our latest feature update for Alternate Art Cards! Players can now use the character setup menu in character select to use alternate arts in battle! Show off your flare in PVP with amazing artwork from our talented artist and expand your collection as more content gets released throughout updates. All skins have now been updated with their themed alternate arts and players will automatically unlock and be able to equip them. The A.T.A.C.R.’s new skin and the Way of the Dragon alternate art is also now stocked in the shop! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/39c0892444d4d4fe6fa80e8dbd81ce7cf2053599.gif[/img] [u][b]Roxxor the Giant [/b][/u] [i]Roxxor is an orphan abandoned by his tribe. He has always called the wilderness his home. Yet prowling beasts looking for an easy meal is but just one danger the young giant has to be mindful of. He was once trapped by voodoo shamans, hoping to capture him as a war slave. But thanks to his childhood friend, Torek the cat, he has escaped such a cruel fate. Now much older and wiser, he manages to carve out a patch of land he can call his own.[/i] Roxxor is the second character from the Warrior class in Death or Glory, making him an ideal champion to gain tempo and disrupt your opponent’s set up every turn. Roxxor uses a unique Grapple and Throw mechanic that first immobilizes his foes, limiting their ability to play cards. Then, he follows up with a powerful throw dealing huge damage to finish off the fight. Master your resources each turn to maximize both offensive and defensive tactics to definitively pave the way for your victory. Check out the preview of Roxxor’s characters cards and their upgrades bellow for a taste of how his playstyle can shake up the arena! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/fef0cdd24f67897c6d9a390efcf3ae3bd4d9fa39.jpg[/img] [u][b]New Skins and Alternate Arts [/b][/u] Show off your flare and style with new Alternate Arts in your next adventure! All in-game skins have now been updated with a new alternate art card that showcases new looks on your favorite cards. Equip and use them to reload, attack and restore justice in the battle setup page during the character selection phase. *Players who have already purchased skins prior to this update will automatically unlock the new items* [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/e897907cd9a64a1122944cadd09938e2ffdfd085.jpg[/img] [u][b]Balances Changes[/b][/u] [b]Lee the Dragon Master[/b] [i]The dragon master is now a fully capable and a formidable foe in the arena, battling against mechs and monsters with his bare fists and iron resolve. In the previous balance updates we buffed both his reactions and attacks improving his overall versatility. We noticed that he was getting a bit too strong and his attacks were landing very consistently with powerful effects. We decided to nerf the speed of his damage boost setup so other champions would have a larger window to combat his abilities.[/i] [b]Dragon Pounce [/b] Momentum Cost : 1 < 2 [b]Ally Card - Bottomless Pit [/b] [i]We noticed the consistency of this card has exceeded our original design intentions of it being a bonus rather than a core piece of the deck. Due to the nature of Ally cards not costing resources and how this is essentially a free card to either use or act as a discard, we decided to reduce the chance it will be drawn by 10%. We will be closely monitoring how differently the run will play out in the coming weeks. [/i] Previous chance of draw : 50% New chance of draw : 40% [b]Adventure Mode [/b] [i]We have received feedback about the issues with the starting deck dead draw, we are in the works behind the scenes of a better and deeper progression system that will at the same time change how the game mode will work. This change is currently scheduled for 2024 thus for the current version of the game we have increased the reroll chance at the start of the run. We have also adjusted the requirement for map unlocks to the completion of the prologue allowing players to attempt any adventure in any order they choose. Further changes and improvements will be implemented as development progresses. [/i] Reroll Chances for starting deck : 1 < 2 [b]General Bug Fixes [/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that will crash the game when clicking on the character guide [*] Fixed a bug that causes the Weekend Bonus Objectives to reset progress after exiting the game [*] Fixed a bug that caused some objective rewards to be unclaimable or cause crashes when trying to do so [*] Updated the visibility of rewards. [*] Improved the performance of the game by lowering VRAM requirements in the loading screen and main menu, future updates will bring improvements and fixes towards the battle page and other features. [/list]