Enter the King of Monters! Enryu - Character Release!

Death or Glory

Death or Glory: the ultimate duelling card game! Explore exciting realms that are the proving grounds for heavenly warriors, mighty beasts, powerful mechs, and more. Build your champion deck in a roguelike adventure mode and score ranks in intense battles against fellow champions!

[b]EA 0.1.12 [/b] [b]Patch Highlights[/b] [list] [*] Enryu the Gargantusaur character release [*] Performance Optimisation (roughly 45% reduction in VRAM usage) [*] Windy Balance Change [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/8992090d6be651fe98ea4ee1764a4f912f03b876.jpg[/img] [b]Enryu, the Gargantusaur [/b] [i]The Gargantusaur is not a natural species unlike other dinosaurs that roam the land. When the arena started to fall out of favour, the kingpin that owned the business cross-bred enhanced native Tyrannosauruses into an unstoppable titan. Having the current champions fight such a monster would surely make an incredible spectacle, drawing a massive crowd. But can a beast not born of nature be ever contained?[/i] Dominate the arena as the alpha predator of Corrum! Born as a weapon from a cruel experiment, the Gargantusaur was created as a representation of power. The gigantic monster has scales tough as armour, claws sharp as teeth and the ability to disintegrate anything with a nuclear breath. Join the fight as the King of Monsters and show your foes what it means to be the epitome of evolution! *Founders and Early Access Pass owners will automatically unlock Enryu, the Gargantusaur as a playable character in both multiplayer and adventure mode. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/dd3e45975cc8ffae6b5f55ce89e782e66ae20c8f.png[/img] [b]Performance Optimisation [/b] Since our launch in October, the most major complaint regarding the game was the excessive memory usage that clogged the VRAM of most devices causing crashes to the game and on rare occasions the device itself. We apologize for our oversight and any bad experiences we have caused to our players. For the past few months, we have been digging deep into our base code structure and asset management throughout the game to decrease the memory requirement that exceed what would be deemed reasonable. In this patch we want to launch the first large refactoring of our core structure to improve performance. From our studio testing, we have found our new implementations can reduce roughly 45% of VRAM usage for both default and enhanced graphics mode. We are still in the process of replacing some assets that lost some picture quality and pixel density, but we felt we wanted to push this performance change this update as the first step to our battle. We hope any players who have before avoided the enhanced graphics mode or experienced any performance crashes to now have a new experience with Death or Glory. Please let us know your experience after the patch as we continue moving forward with our performance patching and once again thank you for the great support and sticking with us despite our flaws. A great big thank you from Distilled Gaming. [b]Balance Change [/b] [b]Windy[/b] [i]The design of windy is to create a sense of urgency and inevitability. When windy stacks, less attack options become avaliable for the opposition`. However the current implementation of windy can make the inevitable come within 2 or even 1 turn due to specific card ordering and initial draws. We’ve decided to change windy to only be stackable once per turn to smoothen out the play experience. This will retain the ability to stack more than 1 value of windy per turn but only once, therefore by playing powerful cards Windy can still be gained more rapidly, but not by playing small cards repeatedly in a single turn. [/i] Added effect : Windy value can only be increased once per turn. (The buff icon will turn grey when it has already been stacked during this turn) [b]Bug Fixes [/b] [list] [*] Codes can now be properly copy and pasted from clipboard. [*] An issue with A.T.A.C.R character unlock pop up have been solved. [*] Mystic Well text alignment. [*] Fear now interacts with counters correctly. [*] Fixed a bug in the visible character deck when playing multiplayer after adventure [*] Fixed an error that caused the death count in the adventure results to display incorrectly [/list]