Early Access Ver 0.1.8 Patch Notes

Death or Glory

Death or Glory: the ultimate duelling card game! Explore exciting realms that are the proving grounds for heavenly warriors, mighty beasts, powerful mechs, and more. Build your champion deck in a roguelike adventure mode and score ranks in intense battles against fellow champions!

[b]Patch Highlights[/b] [list] [*] Card balancing [*] Text and keyword changes [*] UI improvements and bug fixes [/list] [b]Card Balancing[/b] [b]Class Cards - Techie [/b] [i]Upon the release of our latest character, Susan the Sniper, we revisited the Techie playstyle and made changes to several cards in two regards. The first aspect was to power up and give a stronger playable identity to System Overdrive and Sentry Canon whilst the second aspect was simplifying a basic techie card, Fusion Pistol. [/i] [b]System Overdrive[/b] [i]We decreased the heat requirement for System Overdrive to make it more playable due to the enormous drawback of not being able to reload at the end of turn due to exhaustion. [/i] Heat Requirement : 7 > 6 [b]Sentry Canon[/b] [i]The stats of the Sentry Canon was reworked in order for it to serve a unique purpose (other than mitigating mystic well chances) when compared to a similar parry in Susan’s arsenal. The Sentry Canon, although slow, can now act as a large deterrent to enemy attacks as well as provide the occasional damage. [/i] Damage/Block Value : 5 < 7 Speed : 4 > 2 Added new card text : If you have not taken damage this turn, speed is increased by 1. [b]Fusion Pistol[/b] [i]As a starting card, we felt the ability and ease of use was too complex for most scenarios. Although sometimes it’s fun to blow up big enemies with a basic card, more often than not, we found ourselves unable to play the card due to the complex heat/ammo management that is required to just play it. [/i] Damage : 5 < 6 New card text : Damage is increased by 2, but ammo cost increased by 2 if your heat value is not 0. [b]Susan the Sniper[/b] [i]The release of Susan made a good change to the overall playstyle diversity in the arena, big damage with a stealthy playstyle is certainly fun to lock opponents out with a mastered cardplay ordering. It does seem however, a bit too consistent with minimal counterplays to Susan’s most prominent combos which is not something we want to see in our game that wants players to attack and react every step of the way. We nerfed some of her main combo enablers whilst gave a few buffs to some of her hidden gems that might’ve been overshadowed by her other cool cards. [/i] [b]Preemptive Shot X [/b] Ammo Cost : 1 < 2 Damage : 7 > 6 [b]Targeting Drone[/b] Ammo Cost : 1 < 2 Damage : 3 > 2 [b]Targeting Drone X [/b] Damage : 4 > 2 [b]Matter Decoherence[/b] Name Change : Decoherence [b]Matter Decoherence X [/b] Name Change : Decoherence X Heat Cost : 3 > 2 [b]Silent Shot X [/b] Damage : 7 < 8 Text Change : If Lock on is active, increase your damage by 2 < 3 [b]Precision Shot X [/b] Attack/Block Value : 5 < 6 Text Change : The damage of your next attack is increased by 4 > 3 [b]Redeye the Werewolf - Eviscerate X [/b] [i]A card that we’ve always wanted to shine a bit more is Eviscerate X, with its signature high Bleeding output and cool alternate art, it's always a delight to see and admire when it is in hand. Though that's not really the case when we want to be competitive, a 2X bleeding isn’t really too viable against high boss health and the RNG of bleeding. Thus we decided to directly buff this card and give Redeye a new tool to crank out damage. [/i] Text Change : Apply Bleeding(2X) < (3X) [b]Tori the Paladin - Bravery X[/b] [i]This card has been on our radar for a while due to its interaction with blessing and application of Fortify and Regen that can practically make Tori an unstoppable tank. But upon further testing stat analysis, we seem to have been too harsh on its condition and powerful so we simplified it and gave it a slight power buff. [/i] Block Value : 5 < 6 New Card Text : If your Blessing is active, consume it and you are granted Fortify(3) and Regen(1). [b]A.T.A.C.R - BFM and BFM X [/b] [i]A big …. Missile is what defines the A.T.A.C.R and its damage certainly is in a class of its own. We believe this card to currently be rather balanced as there is a large risk reward into playing it since it is a missile, there are generally many ways to destroy it. However facing a turn 1 BFM along with a bad starting hand makes for a very bad day as that battle is almost immediately lost. We decided to rebalance the card to avoid this extreme case whilst giving it slightly more power to compensate. [/i] Ammo Cost : 5 < 6 Damage Value : 24 < 26 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/fd268db114f34f05aad40e075d8a5f8445629937.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/55d5689ac85abc9847c3ba6b9f17ce961f5042e3.jpg[/img] [b]General Updates and Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Added new daily and weekly objectives into the random pool [*] Added a feature that will auto claim objective rewards when they expire [*] Fixed a bug that causes Holo Distraction X to be unplayable when there is no equipment cards in play [*] Improved Character Mastery UI [*] Fixed text alignment issues [*] Reworded certain keyword descriptions for clarity [/list]