EA 0.2.5 Character Balancing and Bug Fixes

Death or Glory

Death or Glory: the ultimate duelling card game! Explore exciting realms that are the proving grounds for heavenly warriors, mighty beasts, powerful mechs, and more. Build your champion deck in a roguelike adventure mode and score ranks in intense battles against fellow champions!

[b]EA 0.2.5[/b] [b]Patch Highlights[/b] • Character Balancing, Roxxor and various upgraded cards balancing • Deck save, Card unlock bug fixes [b]Character Balancing Roxxor the Giant[/b] [i]Roxxor has been struggling to compete with his fellow champions that have more flexibility and response opportunities. Roxxor is designed to be strong and sturdy but he is currently easily shut down by smaller attacks that bring control or prevent him from playing the two big cards he wants to every turn. We have decided to add Persistence to Roxxor’s kit as a staple to establish a clear identity for the big giant as an unmovable tank. [/i] [b]Home Defend and Home Defend X [/b] Added New Card Text : You are granted Persistence(4). [b]Boulder Stop and Boulder Stop X[/b] Added New Card Text : You are granted Persistence(3). [b]Bull Halt and Bull Halt X[/b] Added New Card Text : You are granted Persistence(3). [b]Crystal the Ice Faerie [/b] [i]Pinprick has proven to be a staple in Crystal’s deck as it is a cheap and almost certain Freeze application due to it’s piercing capabilities. We increased the requirement for the card to attack with Piercing to allow more time for the opponent to counter Crystal’s set up before she starts her chilly nightmares[/i] [b]Pinprick and Pinprick X[/b] Card Text Change : This attack is Piercing and cannot be blocked, if your Arcane Resonance is 1 or greater > if your Arcane Resonance is 2 or greater [b]Redeye - Tori - A.T.A.C.R [/b] [i]During the course of our development throughout Early Access we will be continuously balancing out Upgraded cards and mechanics to hopefully reach a competitive, fun and interesting meta where all characters can shine and have their unique playstyles. [/i] [b]Repent X [/b] [i]This card allowed Tori to ramp without a cost way to effectively and efficiently, making it hard for the opponent to react when Tori has a good starting hand. This change will hopefully making Tori’s ramp more strategically planned and less flexible to be played in any situation. [/i] New Card Text : You are granted a Blessing and your Devotion is further increased by 2. If you have not Transcended you need to discard a card. Otherwise, draw a card. [b]Kinetic Barrier and Kinetic Barrier X[/b] [i]After several nerfs to the A.T.A.C.R and the introduction of new characters, the strength of the mech has dwindled a bit and at times have a hard time playing out combos if it is controlled and unable to reload. Since it originally did not have any counter methods to resolve controls and afflictions, we’ve decided to add Persistence to it’s deck. [/i] Kinetic Barrier and Kinetic Barrier X Added New Card Text : You are granted Persistence(3) [b]Angry Swipe X [/b] [i]This card has been redesigned as admittedly it was unplayable in both Adventure mode and Dueling Mode. The redesigned ability will retain the same identify of its normal version as a powerful damage connector that allows Redeye to build bloodlust with a boost. [/i] New Card Text : If you have taken damage this turn, the damage of this attack is increased by 5 and your Bloodlust is increased by 1. You are Exhausted after you attack. [b]Ignore Pain X [/b] [i]Fortify is extremely powerful in PVP as it will potentially make all of the opposing attacks nullified from any form of reaction. As many setup cards are lighter in damage, with Ignore Pain losing it’s bloodlust requirement, Redeye can effectively shut down a large majority of his opponent’s resource building and combo enablers starting turn one. We have decided to tone down the advantage Redeye gains from Ignore Pain X to last only on the turn it is played.[/i] Card Value Change : Fortify (3) > Fortify (1) [b]Bug Fixes [/b] • Discord Reward Verification bug fixed • Reminder Text bug fixed to prevent crashing upon playing certain characters • Fixed a bug in the Deck saving logic that caused all decks to be reset upon relaunching of the game • Fixed various bugs regarding cards being unlocked prior to completing their requirements • Fixed a bug that caused the card image in the progression system to display incorrectly • Adjusted several card challenge requirements • Fixed several faulty achievement counters that prohibited advancements in some levels • Fixed a bug that caused the unlocked Alt-Art to display the wrong card name