EA 0.1.13 Character Balancing Update

Death or Glory

Death or Glory: the ultimate duelling card game! Explore exciting realms that are the proving grounds for heavenly warriors, mighty beasts, powerful mechs, and more. Build your champion deck in a roguelike adventure mode and score ranks in intense battles against fellow champions!

[b]EA 0.1.13[/b] [list] [*] Patch Highlights [*] Character balancing [*] Deck Edit Crash Fixes [*] Bug Fixes [/list] [b]Balance Changes [/b] [i]In preparation for the tournament this weekend, we have made a few changes to several characters to balance out the viability of all characters. We aim to create a game where all characters are relevant and maintain competitiveness throughout version updates where new characters will be released. This round of balance changes aims to tweak the power level of certain characters to avoid them becoming overly dominant or overly weak. We didn’t want to do anything too drastic that will change the current strategies and make big shifts to meta now before the tournament. [/i] [b]Tori the Paladin [/b] [i]Tori receives the most love in this balance patch. Being an Evangelist, she is limited by her indulgence level that essentially limits the number of cards played a turn to 2. Which from play data and feedback from the community, is quite easy to play around in PVP making her difficult to fare against other champions. The changes below aim to address the problems in her play pattern by introducing a new Boon mechanic and increase the consistency of some key cards in her deck. [/i] [b]Boon - New Mechanic[/b] “When this card is played, it is unaffected by the Evangelist's indulgence level that could result in reducing your devotion or exhaustion.” [i]The main idea of this mechanic is to allow Evangelists to have additional opportunities to play cards before transcendence, thus decreasing their predictability. We will be looking more closely at the class rules and how we can incorporate more Boon cards in the future to increase the number of viable strategies in the class. [/i] [b]Chasten [/b] Text Change : This is a BOON card and you are granted a Blessing. If your Devotion is 6 or above, your damage is increased by 2. This attack can Interrupt spell casting. [b]Chasten X[/b] Text Change : This is a Boon card and you are granted a Blessing. If your Devotion is 6 or above, Heal 5 lives. [b]Repent[/b] Text Change : You are granted a Blessing and your Devotion is further increased by 2. To play this card you must discard a card. Damage : 2 < 3 Devotion increase : 1 < 2 [b]Repent X[/b] Devotion Increase : 1 < 2 [b]Strength [/b] Regen value : 1 < 2 [b]Strength X [/b] Damage : 6 < 7 [b]Protection[/b] Text Change : If you Devotion is 6 or greeted, the value of this block is further increased by 3. [b]Invocation [/b] Damage : 8 < 10 [b]Invocation X[/b] Damage 8+ < 10+ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/ab91bcd79415d0ba78025c85beeb1fef6e7093a0.jpg[/img] [b]Enryu the Gargantusaur[/b] [i]Over the week, the big bad gargantusaur came as a threat to the existence of all creatures in Corrum. But… quickly no one feared it. Despite being bulky and having access to powerful healing abilities, Enryu is hard countered by Grievous Wound and without access to Cure, it has no counterplay and the deck falls apart. We decided to give it access to Cure through an Unleashed card to give Enryu the ability to take initiative. As a result, we also nerfed the regen ability on Reinvigoration to keep it’s healing potential in check as repeated use of this card turn after turn can result in a very frustrating play experience. [/i] [b]Scalification [/b] Text Change : You are granted Fortify(4) and Cure. [b]Scalification X [/b] Text Change : You are granted Fortify (4) and Cure. If you opponent has no cards in play, decrease their attack damage by 2 until the end of turn. When this card is Discarded you are granted Fortify(3). [b]Reinvigoration[/b] Regen value : 2 > 1 Heal value : 2 < 3 [b]Reinvigoration X [/b] Heal value : 2 < 3 [b]Feral Defiance[/b] Text change : This card is only playable if you have 25 or less health remaining. [b]Feral Defiance X [/b] Text change : This card is only playable if you are Enraged or when you have 25 or less health. Block value : 7 < 8 [b]Mighty Thrash [/b] Text Change : You are granted Enrage(1). If Disintegrate is on your opponent, you are granted Enrage(3) instead. [b]Mighty Thrash X[/b] Text Change : You are granted Enrage(3). If Disintegrate is on your opponent, your damage is increased by 2. [b]Crushing Jaw[/b] Text Change : You are granted Enrage91) and you Heal 3 lives, if you have 24 or less health remaining. [b]Crushing Jaw X[/b] Text change : You are granted Enrage(2) and Heal 3 lives. If you have 25 or less health remaining, Heal 6 lives instead. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/fe33597f4d091ebfad224b8e27fbc91beaf07feb.jpg[/img] [b]Roxxor the Giant [/b] [i]Monster Pummel is perhaps the least played card in the game, even when it is in the deck, it is typically never played and just there to fill the 15-card requirement for decks. As a strong, muscle-head giant, we want to keep the identity of this card to be simple but powerful. We increased the damage of this card and to match the cost and risks for playing this ultimate punch.[/i] [b]Monster Pummel[/b] Text Change : To play this card you must discard a card. Damage : 16 < 23 [b]Monster Pummel X[/b] Text Change : If a Reaction card is in play, the cost of Action Points to play this card is reduced to 1. To play this card you must discard a card. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41575826/ee6a050496952a96ce0506ac588e0085a86be387.jpg[/img] [b]Susan - A.T.A.C.R - Lee [/b] [i]The current meta is undoubtedly dominated by these three champions. Their mix of flexibility, burst damage and control makes them hard to content against in PVP. Before the tournament we want to slightly dampen their dominance by making small changes to their cards. But at the same time, we don’t want to over nerf or change the meta drastically at this moment in time. So, these changes will mainly focus on rebalancing card costs and rewards. [/i] [b]Susan the Sniper [/b] [b]Taser Drone [/b] Damage : 4 > 3 Ammo Cost : 2 < 3 [b]Taser Drone X [/b] Ammo Cost : 2 < 3 [b]Tranquilizing Shot [/b] Damage : 4 > 2 Ammo Cost : 2 > 1 [b]A.T.A.C.R [/b] [b]Reactive Armour [/b] Text Change : Increase you Barrier value by 4, if it is already active. Ammo Cost : 2 < 3 [b]Lee the Dragon Master Twin Dragon [/b] Momentum Cost : 1 < 2 Damage : 3 < 4 [b]Twin Dragon X [/b] Damage : 3 < 4 Text Removed : Damage is increased by 2 until the end of the turn. [b]Crystal the Ice Faerie Winter’s Embrace[/b] Damage : 3 < 4 Mana Cost : 3 < 4 Text Change : Apply Frozen(X) to your opponent, where X is you Arcane Resonance. X cannot be lower than 1. [b]Bug Fixes [/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue with Silent Stalking that caused the game to crash in Adventure mode when interacting with the card in deck edit. [/list]