SRPG Studio 1.303 Update Released!

SRPG Studio

"I want to create an original game on my own!" The software has just been released to make your dream come true. By using SRPG Studio, you can easily create a 2D SRPG (Simulation RPG).

Hello, everyone! We have now released version 1.303. [h1]New Feature:[/h1] [list] [*]Added setActiveMusicTime to the script method to seek the current BGM to a specific time. // The following code shows an example of seeking to the 12 second position: // var minutes = 0; // var seconds = 12; // var time = (minutes * 60) + seconds; // root.getMediaManager().setActiveMusicTime(time); [*]Added getActiveMusicTime to the script method to get the playback time of the current BGM. // var time = root.getMediaManager().getActiveMusicTime(); // var minutes = Math.floor(time / 60); // var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60); // root.resetConsole(); // root.log(minutes + ' : ' + seconds); [*]Added custom-storysettings.js to the official plugin. Exclude unreviewed data from the list. [*]Added other-gradedshopitem.js to the official plugin. Items that cannot be purchased due to lack of money are displayed in gray. [*]Added battle-backgroundanimation.js official plugin to animate during events. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed UI bug in terrain edit dialog. [*]Fixed a bug that prevented shortcuts in the Optional Skills dialog from handling skills over 1000. [*]Fixed a bug that reduced an item's durability by two if the event using the Use Item command was skipped. [*]Fixed a bug that prevented background animations from expanding when using an item on a map. [/list]