SRPG Studio 1.303 Update Released!

Hello, everyone! We have now released version 1.303. [h1]New Feature:[/h1] [list] [*]Added setActiveMusicTime to the script method to seek the current BGM to a specific time. // The following code shows an example of seeking to the 12 second position: // var minutes = 0; // var seconds = 12; // var time = (minutes * 60) + seconds; // root.getMediaManager().setActiveMusicTime(time); [*]Added getActiveMusicTime to the script method to get the playback time of the current BGM. // var time = root.getMediaManager().getActiveMusicTime(); // var minutes = Math.floor(time / 60); // var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60); // root.resetConsole(); // root.log(minutes + ' : ' + seconds); [*]Added custom-storysettings.js to the official plugin. Exclude unreviewed data from the list. [*]Added other-gradedshopitem.js to the official plugin. Items that cannot be purchased due to lack of money are displayed in gray. [*]Added battle-backgroundanimation.js official plugin to animate during events. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed UI bug in terrain edit dialog. [*]Fixed a bug that prevented shortcuts in the Optional Skills dialog from handling skills over 1000. [*]Fixed a bug that reduced an item's durability by two if the event using the Use Item command was skipped. [*]Fixed a bug that prevented background animations from expanding when using an item on a map. [/list]