SRPG Studio 1.291 Update Released!

SRPG Studio

"I want to create an original game on my own!" The software has just been released to make your dream come true. By using SRPG Studio, you can easily create a 2D SRPG (Simulation RPG).

Hello, everyone! We have now released version 1.291. [h1]New Features:[/h1] [list] [*]Added "New From Bookmark" to the right-click menu on the map. "Display bookmark tab when selecting unit" is checked in the game options, and Displayed when there is one or more bookmark units. [*]The script's WavePanel object internals have been changed to use an ImageScroller object. The ImageScroller object is good at scrolling images. [*]Added scriptexecute-appearbookmarkunit.js to the official plugin. It shows how to use root.getObjectGenerator().generateUnitFromBookmarkUnit. Also shows how to delete a guest unit from a bookmark origin. [*]system-disablestock.js has been added to the official plugin. It disables sending specific items to stock. This plugin is useful when you do not want to pass unit-specific items to other units through stock. [*]system-charchipanimation.js has been added to the official plugin. The default character chip animation order is 0->1->2->1, but this plugin changes it to 0->1->2->0. This is useful if you want to replace all character chips with original chips and use 4 columns of chips like 0->1->2-3. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where guest unit unit command events were not localized correctly. [*]Fixed a bug where variable names were not localized correctly. [*]Fixed a bug where the script's _setPositionSettings was returning the obj variable. [/list]