SRPG Studio 1.289 Update Released!

SRPG Studio

"I want to create an original game on my own!" The software has just been released to make your dream come true. By using SRPG Studio, you can easily create a 2D SRPG (Simulation RPG).

Hello, everyone! We have now released version 1.289. [h1]New Features:[/h1] [list] [*]Added changeInputDevice script method to change GamePadDInput in game.ini. Use like root.changeInputDevice(InputDeviceType.XINPUT); or var type = root.getInputDeviceType();. [*]Added BlendMode.NORMAL. It can be specified in the setBlendBitmap method. [*]Added map-chipchanger.js, window-marshal.js, and window-gold.js to the official plugins. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where the options included line breaks when importing text. [*]Fixed a bug where the game would force close if the base area could not be found. [*]Fixed property bug in animation dialog. [/list]