S2 ENGINE HD is a complete general-purpose software kit for developing and running videogames, specifically dedicated to PC game hobbyists and enthusiasts. Its simplicity lets them turn on their computers and create amazing visuals in minutes just as if they were professionals.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added "SelectObjectsInRange" GameMachine action.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added "NormalClampHi" and "NormalClampLow" parameters into STX texture normal maps.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added SceneParamFloat track type in cutscene editor.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added "CutsceneGotoFrame" GameMachine action.
[*] [b]IMPROVEMENT[/b]: water caustics for lake objects now take into account the lake shape.
[*] [b]IMPROVEMENT[/b]: now in-editor navigation inside viewports doesn't stop when reaching the edges of the viewport.
[*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: Text3D object isn't rendered if sky is disable and DrawPreFX flag is checked.
[*] [b]EGP[/b]: Added "EGP_SHOW_COMMANDS_SYNC" message to PlayerCharacter.
[*] [b]EGP[/b]: Added "EGP_HIDE_COMMANDS_SYNC" message to PlayerCharacter.
[*] [b]CEMETERY2[/b]: Fixed normal maps acne artifacts
Stay tuned,