S2 ENGINE HD is a complete general-purpose software kit for developing and running videogames, specifically dedicated to PC game hobbyists and enthusiasts. Its simplicity lets them turn on their computers and create amazing visuals in minutes just as if they were professionals.
[h2]Release notes[/h2]
[*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: Zombies in zombie pack lock player forever.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Now spawner changes the random seed every time it is initialized, improving its randomness.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Spawner randomness now is also on spawning locations.
[*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: ResetXform operation in model Editor doesn't reset tangent transforms causing wrong normalmap computations.
[*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: Potential leak in the animations job.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added new "RecomputeTangents" option in the EditVerts tab of the model editor.