S2ENGINE HD 2023.2.2


S2 ENGINE HD is a complete general-purpose software kit for developing and running videogames, specifically dedicated to PC game hobbyists and enthusiasts. Its simplicity lets them turn on their computers and create amazing visuals in minutes just as if they were professionals.

[h2]RELEASE NOTES[/h2] [list] [*] "More..." button in Learn section in S2Launcher now open the youtube channel directly in to the default browser [*] BUGFIX: some message boxes that haven't the "not show" checkbox make engine to crash [*] BUGFIX: Not all object gamemachines references are showed when click "ShowReferences" in the object dropdown menu [*] BUGFIX: Messages and Events are also sent to non-active/non-static/non-ai objects [/list] Enjoy and stay tuned, PROFENIX STUDIO