S2 ENGINE HD is a complete general-purpose software kit for developing and running videogames, specifically dedicated to PC game hobbyists and enthusiasts. Its simplicity lets them turn on their computers and create amazing visuals in minutes just as if they were professionals.
[h2]Release notes[/h2]
[*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: Lights, StaticLights and FillLights do not fade smoothly in the distance
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Lights on transparent surfaces are faded out when camera distance from them is greater or equal to their radius.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Inserted new parameter "ID" into Lights and StaticLights. This parameter is used to exclude lights from rendering on transparent surfaces when they are set to a negative value.
[*] [b]NEW[/b]: Inserted new parameter "ID" into Particles systems. This parameter is used to exclude their light from rendering on transparent surfaces when it is set to a negative value.
Stauy tuned,