S2ENGINE HD 2024.0.3


S2 ENGINE HD is a complete general-purpose software kit for developing and running videogames, specifically dedicated to PC game hobbyists and enthusiasts. Its simplicity lets them turn on their computers and create amazing visuals in minutes just as if they were professionals.

[h2]RELEASE NOTES[/h2] [list] [*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added "IsAnyInputPressed" GameMachine action [*] [b]NEW[/b]: New parameter "PushTreshold" in Character object class [*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added parameter "FadeDuration" in LoadSceneTrigger object class [*] [b]NEW[/b]: Added parameter "FadeDuration" in LoadSceneSwitch object class [*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: some MessageBox crashes when clicking on OK button. [*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: if you try to attach an object to another without using first The pick node dialog the editor can crash [*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: If you use the pick object dialog to set a string parameter of a gameMachine loaded into an object the engine can crash [*] [b]BUGFIX[/b]: On Geforce cards TerrainMesh objects produce graphics glitches (black flickering triangles on the whole screen) when TimeBasedLod flag is set. [*] [b]EGP[/b]: Added "instancesCount" parameter in ItemTAG and DocumentTAG class objects [/list] Stay Tuned, PROFENIX STUDIO