Rocket Cave Adventure Update 8

Rocket Cave Adventure

Rocket Cave Adventure is a physics-based roguelite where you control your craft through procedurally generated caves. How far can you make it? Better yet, how good are your flying skills?

Hello! It's been a week or two since my last update post. I have still been working on the game! I've been publishing the builds to the beta branch so that the main branch updates will be bigger. So... here's a big one! Features: [list] [*] All skills have proper names now along with icons [*] Added skill [Magic carpet] -> On kill, fill your booster charges to capacity [*] Added skill [Sugar cubes] -> On kill, fill your thruster charges to capacity [*] Added skill [Speedometer] -> Increase the strength of booster controls (left stick) [*] Added skill [Boxing glove] -> Increases the speed of [Plasmapult]'s projectiles [*] Added skill [Rose] -> On level up, percent chance to get an extra health [*] Added skill [7.62 round] -> On kill, percent chance for 2x experience [*] Added skill [Helmet] -> Percent chance to ignore damage [*] Added skill [Pickaxe] -> Damaging fallen rocks will destroy them [*] Added skill [Sledgehammer] -> Touching breakable objects instantly breaks them [*] Added skill [Spiked mace] -> Taking damage does 1 damage to your attacker [*] Added skill [Barometer] -> Show a timer in the top-left depicting when the ceiling will begin to fall [*] Added skill [Hourglass] -> Get extra time before the ceiling starts falling [*] Added skill [Gambling chip] -> Chests have an increased chance to spawn a die [*] Added skill [Floor candy] -> When entering a new floor, small percent chance for +1 health [*] Some skills now have a small chance to spawn a rarer version of themselves [*] Added rare skill [Gold vacuum aura] - Passively draw all of the gold in an area around you [*] Added enemy: Slime [*] Added enemy: Jellyfish [*] Added enemy: Monkey [*] Added object: XP ore - is like the gold ore you can mine, but gives you 4 XP instead of gold [*] Added object: Summoning bell - in some levels, a bell can be found. Ring it to spawn enemies for additional gold and XP [*] Added new collectible: Dice - each collected die through the run grants a free reroll. They have a 25% chance to spawn in chests [*] [Bombdrop]'s bombs now have SFX and VFX [*] If you beat the boss without taking damage, you are rewarded with an extra treasure chest [*] The Giant Skull boss has been given a new, better-looking model [*] The Giant Skull boss now has stages to the boss fight [*] Added Giant Skull boss music track [*] The skill tree menu now shows if a skill's mastery is reached with a star icon for readability [*] The row number of the skill tree is now shown in the skill tree menu [*] Added a gamepad button shortcut for binding skills in the skill tree [*] Active status effects are displayed in the top right (the only status effect right now is the gold vacuum effect) [*] The player skills UI (bottom left) now uses a gradient instead of numbers to display when the skill is finished charging [*] Added a run timer to the top left of the screen [*] Renamed [Lasershot] to [Plasmapult] [*] When the player reaches 1 health, smoke is shown coming from your vehicle along with a smoke SFX [*] Added spikes visual to the falling ceiling to convey that the ceiling will hurt you [*] Game icon added to .exe and taskbar [*] Added a bunch more tips to be read in between loading levels (if you have enough time) [/list] Balance changes: [list] [*] [Bombdrop] -> bombs are now sticky bombs - you can stick them to entities and walls [*] [Gold vacuum] -> increased charge time [*] [Coin stack] -> reduced double gold on kill chance from 25% per mastery to 15% [*] [Plasma globe] -> max mastery changed from 2 to 1 [*] [Takeout] -> max mastery changed from 2 to 1 [*] The [Auto turret] skill works more consistently now using a raycast instead of projectile [*] Tried to make the [Stabalizer] skill more reliable (yet again...) [*] [Bombdrop] -> if deployed when moving upwards, the bomb is thrown upwards so you can now attach the bomb to the ceiling [*] Changed when the falling ceiling starts to fall. Before the ceiling would fall 90 seconds into the level. Now, it falls 75 seconds into the level with 5 extra seconds per level depth [*] The falling ceiling no longer insta-kills you, it does 1 damage per hit and throws you downwards [*] A particle trail now shows what direction the Giant Skull boss is moving towards [*] Each area grants extra gold found in chests (Caves vs Jungles) [/list] Bugs fixed: [list] [*] The SFX options menu option did nothing (the volume and SFX options need to be changed with the mouse for now... sorry, dropdowns are annoying) [*] Mushrooms and other objects that stick to the ground would spawn floating off of the ground (mostly fixed) [*] Mushrooms and other objects that stick to the ground would not be destroyed properly when the ground was destroyed [*] Once the falling ceiling reached the player, it would continuously hit the player and make an annoying sound [*] The player console (bottom right info) would display the wrong text when taking damage sometimes [*] The quick restart gamepad button shortcut did not work in the death postgame menu [*] The skill tree could not be closed with the gamepad button shortcut [*] The skill tree could be opened in The Pit [*] The skill tree could be opened if the death postgame menu was showing [*] The bind skills button was interactable in the meta-shop [*] The unlock button was interactable in the meta-shop even if you could not unlock the skill [*] When binding an active skill, you could still upgrade and reroll skills [*] When binding skills, you could close the skill tree menu and the bind would not be saved [*] You could change the bindings of base skills (such as the thrusters and boosters) [*] Duplicate skills did not have their images while the originals did [*] The loading screen could be paused (lol) [*] You could unpause the game when the yes/no menu was shown [*] The player could fling themselves too far into the boss room - the player will now be pushed back if that happens [*] When the Giant Skull boss is spawned on level load, their damage noise played briefly [*] The Giant Skull boss would infinitely shake the screen if it killed you [*] If you died and restarted the game in The Pit, you would respawn inside of a run instead of back at The Pit [*] Flying skulls and UFOs would fly beneath the exit platform making them hard to kill and an exit hazard [*] The game could be quick-started into a run even if the tutorial was not completed yet [*] The Air Tank object would not properly kill the player - you would be stuck half-alive unable to move [*] The falling ceiling's color now matches the most prominent color in the level - so in the Caves, it has been changed to the rock color to the dirt color. In the jungle, it is the rock color [*] Tut's engine noise would never stop if he was close to you when beginning a run [*] The [Plasmapult] projectile could interact with an invisible collider in the tutorial room where you pick up [Plasmapult] [/list] That took a while to write up... As you can see there are 3 new enemies, 3 new objects, and 15 new skills! Also a bunch of balance changes and bug fixes. A bunch of numbers were tweaked too that I forgot to record like some enemy movements, gold spawn rate, and skill upgrade costs. I will do better in the future to track those changes. Finally, I usually upload a new build to the beta branch every day or so, so if you'd like to see content added more frequently, opt-in to the beta branch of the game! Thanks, Thomas boxedworks