Rocket Cave Adventure Update 10

Rocket Cave Adventure

Rocket Cave Adventure is a physics-based roguelite where you control your craft through procedurally generated caves. How far can you make it? Better yet, how good are your flying skills?

Hey everyone, Rocket Cave is back! I know it's been a while, about a year (or two) or so since the last update... Life stuff happened as well as going back to other projects like my first Steam game, Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky, to finally put it in a place I'm happy with leaving it (for now). So I'm trying to get back into Rocket Cave, and with that comes unfinished work from years ago. What I am doing is this: Pushing out all the changes I made years ago as well as some new changes from recent. This is so I can have a fresh slate to work on, as it's hard to pick up after all this time. Fret not for there are a lot of changes still! Expect more! Features: [list] [*] New meta shop progression: Instead of sending gold back between levels, there is a new currency called 'Mana' that you collect separately. It's dropped by bosses, and chests, and has a <1% chance to drop from everything [*] Added object: Mana => Pick this up for +1 mana sent back to The Pit. Catch it before it floats away! [*] XP is now an object that is dropped by enemies and floats automatically to you. It is (mostly) visual. (There are some weird interactions such as with bombs and mines to iron out...) [*] Added the ability to load a level with a level seed (levels will be mostly identical, enemy and object placements may be slightly off, this is WIP) [*] Added daily seed option [*] Add player skill: [Tractor Beam] => This is a major skill added! Buy this at the meta shop and enter every run with it. Pick up, manipulate, and shoot objects. Throw or catch rocks! Throw mines! Crush your enemies [*] Add active skill: [Gold Bag] => Like the XP potion, but for gold! [*] Add active skill: [Fire Extinguisher] => Temporarily disable gravity [*] Added hazard: Ball and chain => A spiked ball that swings in a circle. Hide in the rope o and destroy the joint to break it. Find these in the hollows and beyond! [*] Added hazard: Rotating blades => Ball and chain's bigger brother. I'd recommend steering clear altogether! Find these in the final area! [*] Added object: Fireball => Dropped by some objects, disappears in a few seconds. Does damage on contact! [*] Added entity: Fire elemental => Similar to the ice elemental in the Ice area, but drops fireballs periodically [*] Added entity: Fire slime => Similar to the slime in the hollows, but drops fireballs... periodically [*] Added entity: Lizard => Find this enemy on walls and ceiling. Avoid its tongue or take some damage! Spawns in the ice area. (Needs a model...) [*] Added entity: Worm => Small animal that lives in the caves [*] Added entity: Firefly => Small animal that flies around the hollows [*] Added object: Giant gold ore => Like gold ore, but giant! You can hit it 3 times [*] Added object: Stump => It's a small tree stump. In the hollows [*] Added meta purchase: Shops have +1 item for sale [/list] Bugs fixed: [list] [*] Giant spider boss was not damaged by explosions sometimes [*] Giant spider boss could not be targetted by [Auto Turret] sometimes [*] Camera would break if exiting the game at a boss fight [*] No music if restarting the run from the shop [*] [Stabilizer] skill would persist between floors [*] 'Exit to Desktop' did not work (lol) [*] [Heavy spiked mace] (2x reflect damage) did not reflect 2 damage [/list] Balance changes: [list] [*] Wooden objects that are destroyed by fire will drop a fireball. This allows fire to spread! [*] Spider boss: after spawning a certain amount of spiders, "brown" spiders will spawn instead of the normal "red" ones. The brown ones do not drop XP. This is so you can't farm the spider boss infinitely! [*] Skull boss: Damage reflecting skills now hurt the boss if you get hurt by one of his outer skulls [*] Slime boss: Now has weak points to shoot. Missing the weak points will bounce back your attacks! [*] Added some air vents into the first boss room to begin to balance other vehicles (helicopter......) [*] Lanterns no longer do direct damage but drop fireballs when broken [*] Broken robots now explode on death after a countdown. This is good right? Wait... [*] Falling rocks now wiggle slightly when they are still on the ceiling to be slightly more obvious [*] Gold drop from lantern slightly increased [*] The skill tree is slightly bigger [/list] Small additions/changes: [list] [*] Current version displays in main menu and pause screen [*] Unlocked active skills controls' can now be remapped in the skill tree [*] Active skills now show their current button mapping in the skill tree [*] Made the tutorial SLIGHTLY less annoying [*] Added blood particle system to applicable monsters [*] Added smoke particles to lanterns [*] Tutorial popup reworded slightly [*] Dice makes a different noise when being collected [*] Sound now mutes if the game is not focused [*] Loadout menu looks (slightly) nicer [*] The shopkeepers now have a model! (Too small to see currently :)) [*] Shop skills are generally more expensive [*] Shop skills are more expensive if they are rare [*] Added some new hints to the game about the level areas [/list] Like always, please visit the Community Hub to give any feedback or give ideas/changes! There's also a bunch of social links I'll drop, most notably the Discord if you are truly interested in connecting with me! Finally, I try to play and upload a run of the game with webcam and commentary once or twice a week; check those out too! Reddit: Discord: Latest Let's Dev: Until next time! Thomas boxedworks