Rocket Cave Adventure Update 2

Rocket Cave Adventure

Rocket Cave Adventure is a physics-based roguelite where you control your craft through procedurally generated caves. How far can you make it? Better yet, how good are your flying skills?

Hey everyone, just pushed out a new version to the [b]beta[/b] branch! Added a few new physics objects and a bunch of bug fixes! Features: [list] [*] Added mushroom pad [*] Added spider egg [*] Added explosive gas canister [/list] Small changes: [list] [*] Lowered charging noise of jumping robot [*] Most breakable objects are easier to break and can now fall on dirt and break (before, they could only break if falling on rock) [/list] Bugs fixed: [list] [*] Fixed a crash that would happen if the skill "Lasershot charges" appeared in the skill tree [*] Fixed a crash if a ceiling rock would fall after the player exited the level [*] Fixed rocket booster + stabilizer and helicopter booster + stabilizer continuing to play their respective noises after the player exited the level [*] Fixed a crash that would occur if an air vent was present in the level [*] Fixed being not able to equip secondary or tertiary components [/list] This is just another small update that comes every few days to the beta branch- there will be more to come in a few more days! Thanks, Thomas boxedworks