Roadmap Update: The Future of "Zero Division"

Zero Division

A roguelite deckbuilder crossed with a CCG, set in a dark cyberpunk world. You will lead a three-man squad against competing factions fighting among the ashes of a world-wide war. Each operator comes with a unique deck that can be customized and augmented.

[b]July 18, 2024[/b] Hi everyone! It has been a week since the release of "Zero Division." During this past week, we have received tremendous amount of support from our community and provided us with a ton of meaningful feedback and suggestions! First and foremost, we want to express our most sincere gratitude – Thank y’all very much! Due to the limited capacity and resources, we have recently been focusing our efforts on addressing high-priority issues for the game post-launch, including but not limited to usability issues, bug fixes, and some design flaws that were not very user-intuitive. Many of these issues could not have been identified without extensive player feedback from the community, so once again, thank you. At the same time, we haven't forgotten the community's bigger and louder questions: What does the future hold for "Zero Division"? Will it be left at its current status? Will development stop here? The answer is most certainly “No.” We have been consistent with our answers to those questions from the beginning when responding to players’ reviews on the Store page and comments in the discussion board. Now, with many of you having consumed the content of the game fairly quickly, we believe it is necessary to make an official announcement: both the publishing and development teams are committed to keep updating "Zero Division" to make it better in the foreseeable future. “Why not sooner?” you may ask, well, the reason we are posting this write-up today is simply that now we finally have a rough plan for the first steps — although it is still “rough” and needs further work, we hope by sharing it with the community, we can communicate with our community to seek additional input. It is you who have validated that the gameplay is interesting, it is you who have been telling us that this card game is not too shabby. Now, we want to commit to our supporters and let them know what are some important tasks on our semi-short term action list for “Zero Division”. [u][b]Features[/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]In-Game Glossary Base: [/b]A self-explanatory feature, which is designed to be a pop-up menu option that can be accessed anywhere regardless if you are in-game or not. [*] [b]Card Gallery: [/b]Allows easy-viewing of card illustrations of already-collected cards, as well as their descriptive tooltips. [*] [b]Augment Library: [/b]Similarly, allow easy-viewing of already-collected augments with full tooltips. [/list] [u][b]UX/UI/QoL[/b][/u] [list] [*] Option to Skip the Unpacking Animation: The current animation sometime gets a bit annoying after you play and become familiar of the game. We obviously don’t want to take away the fun in opening packs, so an animation toggle is something we believe could be reasonable. [*] Option to Disable 3D Animation: To provide a smoother game experience on PC with lower specs. [*] Two-Step Confirmation for Quitting the Game: To prevent players from accidentally quitting from a perfect combat/run! [*] Improved UX/UI Design: The current UX/UI design logic for players to go back to the main expedition screen a bit cumbersome, so we are looking at a possible, improved solution. [/list] We are fully aware that there are still many areas in the current version of the game that requires further improvements and tweaks. We’ve been addressing them since day 1 and we will not be turning away from those issues. Alongside with the regular bug fixes, we’ll be planning and working on those tasks accordingly. Of course, please rest assured that in the long-run, we plan to add more cards, more operators, more augments, more levels, more challenging enemies and bosses with interesting mechanics to “Zero Division” (and some of this work has already started)! This is the current support plan and road map of "Zero Division." It is our community that has given "Zero Division" a clearer direction for the road ahead, and we will follow that. We would greatly appreciate your continued support in the future! Sincerely, “Zero Division” Developer: Robot Cat Games “Zero Division” Publisher: Astrolabe Games *On a side note, our poor dev got hit with the COVID variant, so the patching will be slowing down a bit... But please rest assured that Zero Division will see continued support as committed!