Ranching Update: Balance, Improvements, and Fixes

September 10 [list] [*] Fix to repair rare failure to save. [/list] August 23 [list] [*] Fix for being unable to deselect a relic at the Student Summoner. [*] Large Chest now properly shows Feed category. [*] Fix for possible crash when Dragged Away Break begins. [*] Feed Trough now copy/pastes filling settings. [*] Fix for cancelling Foundation/Pasture construction preventing future placement in that location. [*] Fix for crash when pressing Clear All on Storage. [/list] August 12 [list] [*] Croa Nests will spawn new Croa if the Croa they spawned is Captured. [*] Areas between Walls with a Pasture floor no longer become Rooms. [*] Mage Portraits UI now tries to minimize the rows of portraits it creates. [*] Fix for Room Requirements UI having some un[*]translateable words. [*] Fixing Croa being able to wander into the school incorrectly. [*] If assigning a Relic to attune, clear that Relic from any other Mages assigned to attune it. [*] On the Relic Details UI, both bonus display areas can scroll. [*] Fix for Stairs, Columns, and Supports sometimes not showing Tasks on selection and not allowing right[*]click orders. [*] On the UI Settings UI, removed the UI Subscale checkbox so that new defaults are appled for everyone and are no longer hidden. [*] Fix for crash in Twitch App. [/list] August 9 [list] [*] The Relic selection UI more clearly shows which relics are not usable and why. [*] Hiring staff now properly respects the Auto-Add Staff option for Advanced Priorities. [*] Tabbing through selected students will now follow the order of the portrait UI. [/list] August 8 [list] [*] Fix for not being able to select a Relic to Summon a particular Faction. [*] Tweak to Build Palette button text and icons for readability. [/list]