RAM: a top-down roguelike shooter with no player character. Seize control of diverse robotic enemies, turn them against each other in frantically paced combat, and fluidly swap to fresh hosts as old ones collapse into smoldering rubble.
This is a patch addressing some of the bugs we have seen reported this past week.
We are hard at work on the first update, and we are planning for it to be released in mid-December. As part of that update we will be addressing many gamepad issues and larger balance feedback items (such as Tachi).
Fixed an issue where the daily challenge encounters would be randomized
Fixed a potential softlock in Rush Hour
Fixed an issue in Shops where the player could get out of bounds
Fixed an issue where the player could be in Tim’s office with the foreground wall visible
Fixed an issue with certain achievements, they will now trigger the next time the interaction occurs
Fixed an issue where gamepad could lose focus when on the accessibility menu
Fixed several cases where the Heap could drop enemies out of bounds
Fixed not being able to swap to Heap orbs at the back of the boss room
Prevented triggering new waves after dying in horde mode
Fixed crash when targeting a swap for too long in horde mode
Fixed damage buffs sometimes applying multiple times to the same attack
Fixed Routers damaging themselves when swapped into while charging a dash
Fixed some typos