RAM: Random Access Mayhem is now available!

RAM: Random Access Mayhem

RAM: a top-down roguelike shooter with no player character. Seize control of diverse robotic enemies, turn them against each other in frantically paced combat, and fluidly swap to fresh hosts as old ones collapse into smoldering rubble.

Attention all RAMheads! Welcome to RAM: Random Access Mayhem Early Access! This game started as a passion project in 2021 and has grown beyond anything originally imagined. We're launching into Early Access so our community (you!) can help to make RAM the best game it can be. Check out the launch trailer here: https://youtu.be/DJ0MJ7-nICw Here is some concept art of one of the main characters in RAM, Cuckoo: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43430504/6aae9f098c991aecb154d11aea3e74f59c80d7c5.png[/img] To report bugs, give feedback, or connect with other fans, please come by our Discord server: https://discord.gg/rYZMgespCC In the Early Access content, you can play through the first two stages, play six unique bots, and explore the town of Ash Grove 6 to play some minigames and meet quirky characters. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43430504/596b9397e60429047e2bd6ff49472f5d7bd07484.png[/img] If you're just joining us, check out our devlogs chronicling the development of the game: [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVgqh3HCUiYQ8tJSJPSsMY0XoAqjl7enD][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43430504/857d98be84f6588b326b339260cac04b660dd9cb.png[/img][/url] We are so happy you are joining us for the rest of this journey as we keep expanding RAM, and we hope you enjoy what we've been working on!