RAM V0.6.2 Patch Notes

RAM: Random Access Mayhem

RAM: a top-down roguelike shooter with no player character. Seize control of diverse robotic enemies, turn them against each other in frantically paced combat, and fluidly swap to fresh hosts as old ones collapse into smoldering rubble.

This patch addresses much of the feedback we have received over the past few days (and also buffs Router). We are continuing to monitor feedback and will address lingering bugs in the coming days, thanks to everyone for reporting and sharing your thoughts! Adjustments: [list] [*] Added a slider for Fitness Jammer VFX in Accessibility options [*] Added a slider for Background Dialogue Speed in Accessibility options [*] Added a Speedrun mode which unlocks in the Gameplay options after beating the level 2 boss. Enabling this mode will add a Restart Run button to the End Run Summary screen, allowing you to not have to return to Ash Grove 6 between runs [*] Skins can no longer be unlocked in practice mode or with debug mode on [*] Increased hitbox of Level map swap points [/list] Fixes: [list] [*] Fixed an issue with Horde Mode progression where you would be sent to Tim's office but be unable to enter [*] Fixed the Horde Mode ending cutscene sometimes breaking [*] Fixed an issue with the Daily Challenge leaderboard where pagination was not displaying correctly [*] Fixed an issue where the Attempt counters could still appear when fishing [*] Testing a potential fix for the game crashing on quit [*] Fixed the Hydration skin unlocking under unintended circumstances [*] Fixed Tachi sabers and enemies launched by Deadlifts interacting with elevation incorrectly [*] Fixed Tachi sabers not being dislodgeable from Fitness Jammers [*] Fixed an unintended interaction between Unsecured Cargo and Shaped Charges [*] Fixed Alternative Coolant self-damage scaling with damage modifiers [*] Fixed the camera sometimes shaking more than intended [/list] Balance: [list] [*] Increased hitbox size of Router dash attack [*] Increased throw speed bonus of Express Delivery from 10% to 15% [*] Significantly increased dodge chance of Top Gear [*] Careful Packing now increases grenade explosion delay by 0.1 sec/stack [*] Unsecured Cargo now also drops grenades when executing a charged dash [*] Fixed Unsecured Cargo not dropping grenades when killing enemies with SPO [*] Evasive Maneuvers now also adds i-frames to the resonance hammer lunge [/list]