[h1]Hello Invaders![/h1]
It's finally time! This update houses all of the updates and content for the very first ever public playtest for Cats vs. Aliens. This is an [i]extremely[/i] exciting and anxiety-inducing milestone for me. I'm thrilled to finally get this game into the hands of all of the lovely individuals who have been waiting patiently for a chance to get their hands on the game.
[h2]Please Leave Feedback![/h2]
As much as you can stand to! Here's a lovely link to the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2898300/discussions/1/6678353284409496572/]Bug Reports and Feedback Discussion[/url] so you can tell me all about your experience.
You'll have to puzzle out what to do for now. I don't have a tutorial built yet, but I've made a lot of efforts to make it as straightforward as possible to dive right in. A lot of things are buggy and incomplete, but I'm hoping you all catch every last bug so I can track them down and squash them. Suggestions are welcome, too.
[h1]Thanks and Happy Invading![/h1]