Post SNF Demo Update

The Dark Horde

The Dark Horde is a roguelike deckbuilder where you control the flow of time by playing cards! Summon a horde of minions at your command, harvest the Souls of fallen enemies and send your disposable Goblin Looters on the Battlefield to seize precious Gold. Lay waste and enjoy being Evil!

New update to inform you that I have updated the demo, fixing various small and big things and adding a new important features! This update is basically a players driven update: most of the changes were suggestions/opinions/ideas brought by players! Here is the list of evrything new/changed: FIX: - Peasants' spawn rate reported incorrect values after using cards like Titan On Attack or The Chariot - various texts have been changed/corrected - Deafeat Texts: have been updated aswell: no more mockery but lore based messages - Tutorial updated: slight changes made on the tutorial to highliight the meaning of Time Units (TUs) and their impact in the game CARD UPDATES: - CG FOUL PLAYS: a new Destruction sorcery card has been added! - Lust for Gold/Crave Riches: the Gold will no longer be pulled behind the Tower, out of reach for your poor goblin Looters - Dance Macabre/Endless Dance: the card felt a bit weak and now there is the additional effect of Harvesting all Souls when played NEW FEATURES: - YOU TURN! When it is your turn to play a card or action, the central text will clearly notify you! - MIRACLES REROLL: on Deck Runs you will be informed of which Miracles are about to be added to your deck for that Round. If you want, now you can spend 1 Dark Gem to reroll all the Miracles, hoping for a less punishing set of Miracles for your deck