PERISH Update #4 - Test your ability, rejoice in stability!


PERISH is a stylish 1-4 player FPS with a cross to bear. Slay hordes of creatures on the black sands of Purgatory and sell their gold-stained corpses to craven priests. Kill magnificent bosses and use the proceeds to gain entrance to Elysium, a place of cosmic revelations.

PERISH has just had its fourth update! This time we've focused on improving the stability of PERISH during multiplayer and long play sessions. Additionally, the Tartaros difficulty has been updated to make it even more challenging for the bravest amongst you! [h2]Save Backups[/h2] [list] [*] The saving system has been made more robust, and additionally it now saves 5 sequential backups that can be manually reinstated. This should mean even if you crash during a save you should have at least 1, if not more valid saves to go back to that aren’t far from your current progress. [*] Saves can be found in %appdata%/Local/PERISH/Saved/SaveGames and any of the “PERISH_Save_BackupX” files can be renamed to “PERISH_Save” to use one of the backups [*] Make sure to do this while the game is running, or with Steam cloud turned off. Otherwise, Steam cloud will overwrite your save with the one stored on their servers [/list] [h2]Bad Connection & High Latency Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Disconnections or crashes after long play sessions should now be much less likely to occur [*] General network responsiveness should be slightly improved for clients with high ping [/list] [h2]Tartaros Difficulty[/h2] [list] [*] The Tartaros difficulty has been increased significantly [*] Enemies can now spawn further around the player [*] Max number of enemies increased [*] Interval between enemy spawns reduced [*] “The enemy threat increases” events increase both max number of enemies and reduce the spawn interval even further [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Reduced Kourai Khryseai armour hit damage reduction from 80% to 50% [*] Tartaros (the location) has been increased in difficulty significantly, with an adjusted roster of enemies [*] Further to Tartaros level tweaks, there is a new "crimson and steel" Tartaros skin for the default character model [/list] [h2]Enemy Spawning[/h2] [list] [*] Changed the timing and/or location of “enemy threat increases/decreases” events [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Kourai Khryseai no longer rave-dance when stuck or when all players are dead [*] Rebinding any keys including movement should now work as expected [*] The Phorcid’s invincibility effect is no longer reversed for clients [*] Terror damage from the Staff of Thyrsus explosion no longer damages other players [*] Medusa’s glare card now triggers consistently every 2.5 seconds rather than by chance [*] Fixed a rare issue where Karkinos’ legs could desync, causing her to regain health [*] Fixed an issue that allowed a player to stand on a portcullis gate before it opened [*] Zeus Conduit active ability (electrical mines) no longer persist through runs [*] Doryktetos card should no longer be presented to clients more than once in a run [*] Being resurrected from death when entering Charon’s Crossing should no longer leave an unused portal in the sky [*] Apollonian Bow "perfect-timing" window now matches both the powered up-arrow and the upgrade progress [/list]