Patch v0.9.7.19


VAIL is a first-person shooter built for VR. Engage in high-octane gameplay centered around objective-based game modes or connect with a vibrant community in social environments. Set in a sci-fi future of the solar system, choose between opposing factions and fight for the claim to humanity’s legacy

[b]Improvements[/b] [list] [*] Improved grab/enemy highlights [*] Improved shell ejection animations (AK12 is FINALLY using 5.45x39 ammo visually) Added SRO Tall option to the MR96 Bolt Action so controllers on internal tracking don't lose tracking because the sight was too close to your hands/controllers. [*] Performance tweaks to Scopes on Quest Alpha (More may be needed, but this is for testing) [*] Added more snapturn setting values between 15-45 degrees [*] Added settings option to disable binding for firemode selector [*] Various map fixes and improvements [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Crouching/crabwalk sync fixes [*] Fixed VCrouch getting stuck forcing you to "toggle crouch" [*] Fixed being able to double physical crouch and VCrouch for super crouch speeds [*] Fixed issue that was preventing lower reticle quality settings from working on PC version [*] Fixed broken respawn effect [*] Fixed issue where tacticals are sometimes not able to be forcegrabbed [*] Fixed issue where Armory tips shows the wrong bindings on Quest Alpha [*] Fixed a few more reported crashes [/list] [b]Please Note:[/b] [list] [*] Some of the Height Calibrator art is disabled for now, but it still works. Make sure to look forward until it goes away for now. We will fix this going forward. [*] Being Flashed or dieing in Smoke can get stuck on screen for Quest Alpha users, we are currently looking into a fix. [*] For Quest Alpha users, it is not asking for permissions on startup to be able to use your mic in-game. You will have to manually set the app permisiions to allow that until we get Meta's permission popup working. [/list] Thank you all for the continued support! Have a wonderful weekend!