Patch Notes: v1.1.8

Bitty Engine

Bitty Engine is an itty bitty game engine, with built-in editors, programmable in Lua.

Patch notes v1.1.7 → v1.1.8: Enhanced modules, improved usability, fixed some bugs. [list] [*]Added auto loading last project at startup [*]Added a `DateTime.utc()` function to get current UTC time [*]Added a wildcard pattern parameter to the `project:getAssets(...)` method [*]Added a shortcut key to reload project (Ctrl+Shift+R) [*]Added an option to disable pause menu on ESC pressed [*]Added a launch option to specify a different frame rate [*]Added a launch option to enable high-precision real number debug [*]Fixed a calculation bug of the `Raycaster` algorithm [*]Fixed a border issue of maximized canvas [*]Fixed a few memory leaks [*]Fixed a potential crash issue [*]Improved the music visualizer [*]Improved speed calculation of the "Games/Racing" example [/list]