Patch Notes: v1.1.4

Bitty Engine

Bitty Engine is an itty bitty game engine, with built-in editors, programmable in Lua.

Patch notes v1.1.3 → v1.1.4: Enhanced modules, improved usability, fixed some bugs. [list] [*]Added an asynchronized sprite playing mode [*]Added support of the standard [b]debug[/b] module [*]Fixed a calculation bug of the [b]color:__mul(color_)[/b] operator [*]Fixed a cursor moving bug of the [b]project:read(...)[/b] method [*]Fixed an audio type detection bug when load [*]Fixed an exiting issue from code [*]Improved sprite rendering with a same object for multiple times [*]Improved redundant argument handling [*]Improved the color filling tool [/list]