Patch Notes: v1.1.6

Bitty Engine

Bitty Engine is an itty bitty game engine, with built-in editors, programmable in Lua.

Patch notes v1.1.5 → v1.1.6: Enhanced modules, improved usability, fixed some bugs. [list] [*]Added a parameter to specify font scaling for the [b]measure(...)[/b] and [b]text(...)[/b] functions [*]Added a parameter to specify map scaling for the [b]map(...)[/b] function [*]Added project strategy for non-pixelated canvas preference [*]Added extension recognition of ".xm", ".s3m", ".669", ".it" and ".med" formats [*]Added a menu entry to open recent projects [*]Added an option to toggle project backup [*]Removed Lua source reading from Lua (can still read other asset types) [*]Fixed a bug of [b]Application.size()[/b] [*]Fixed a bug of [b]Application.resize(...)[/b] when restored from fullscreen [*]Fixed a clip issue when size is negative [*]Fixed a crash bug of the image and map editors [*]Fixed a directory accessing bug with Russian localization (Windows) [*]Fixed a font customization bug [*]Improved code asset releasing [/list]