Patch Notes - v1.0.8

CooKing: Around the World

8 menus are included in the game, each of which will accommodate 10-12 dishes, accompanied by at least 200 ingredients. All menus take place in the cuisine of different nations. We will turn around e.g. American, French, Hungarian, Italian lands of flavors.

[h2]Update includes:[/h2] [list] [*] In response to numerous negative feedback, the descriptions of the hints for each dish have been reviewed and rewritten in many cases to make it easier for players to progress, and grammatical errors have been corrected. [*] In the discovery view, it has been fixed that the text of some dishes was overlapping with the icon of the discovered ingredient or dish in the center. [*] The main menu has received a new design. [*] The recipe descriptions in the info and ingredients panel UI have been updated. [*] The background of the settings and pause window UI has been changed. [*] When individual restaurants are loaded, the name of the current restaurant is displayed during the transition. [*] The preparation of chocolate sauce in Hungarian cuisine has been changed, and the hint description has also been updated. [*] The title and description of the discovery text have been swapped when discovering pulled pork. [*] On the main screen, the "remove" button for discovered ingredients/dishes has been changed to "serve." [*] The preparation of mac&cheese in American cuisine has changed, and the hint description has also been updated. [*] The preparation of buffalo chicken in American cuisine has changed, and the hint description has also been updated. [*] Discovered ingredients and dishes can no longer be removed from the frame. [*] The tutorial text has been made much more pleasant, and the design of the text bubble has been changed. [*] The name of the wrap in the fast food restaurant has been changed to chicken wrap. [*] A level selector has been added, where previous levels can be played again. [*] The counter that tracks inventory and discovered dishes in the German cuisine has been fixed. [*] The corn dog can no longer be discovered in the German cuisine. [*] In the tutorial, it sometimes happened that the batter was put into the inventory twice, it has been fixed. [*] The preparation of túrós csusza has changed, and the hint description has also been updated. [*] The preparation of pizza dough has changed, and the hint description has also been updated. [/list] [h2]Cheat codes[/h2] Cheat codes were added to the game because the level selector required changes to the save system. The new update is able to handle previous saves, but in case of any problems, if someone finds themselves with a lost save, they won't have to start the game from the beginning. It is recommended to delete saves from the settings menu before using codes. In the main menu, enter the correct text to load the specified level immediately: [list] [*] pulledpork -Amerikai álom [*] chowder - Quenns' classic [*] pretzel - Hungry Sausage Inn [*] macaron - The long night [*] peking - China Sun [*] goulash - Folk Tale [*] tiramisu - Little Italy [/list]