PATCH NOTES v1.0.100.6

Another Crab's Treasure

In a vibrant undersea kingdom on the verge of collapse, a hermit crab embarks on a treasure hunt to buy back his repossessed shell. The second game from AGGRO CRAB.

[i]We've been heads down today but this is us letting you know that we have seen all your bugs and suggestions reported in discussion, even if we haven't replied! It's our Friday night, so please bear with us if we're slow over the weekend with reports. Thank you for all the support, Crab Fans <3[/i] [h3]General[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where you could not pause when grabbed. [*]Fixed sand pillars' rock chunks not fading away when despawning. [*]Fixed a visual issue where pencil barricades’ rubber bands turned teal upon breaking. [*]Fixed an issue where smokescreen ink wouldn’t dissipate. [*]Also fixed the smokescreen issue where you could distract Heikea for far too long with the ability, leaving him idle for longer than the effect lasted. [*]Fixed an issue where Interrupting the petting animation prevents Kril from acquiring items or equipping shells until he dies [*]Fixed an issue where Chum can be targeted by Fizzle bubbles [*]You can no longer equip the gun as a hammer [/list] [h3]Combat and enemy related[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where capsizing the Royal Shellsplitter during the fear attack would keep the screen greyscale [*]Fixed an issue where the Duchess would spin you around forever. [*]Nerfed the Duchess’s grab damage from 65 to 50 and it no longer does true damage. [*]Duchess Moonjelly point lowered to ground level to prevent glitchy reloading [*]Fixed an issue where bobbit worms could grab Pagurus. Pagurus can no longer be grabbed by any source. [*]Fixed an issue where you can walk around the trigger that starts the Duchess cutscene [*]Fixed Ceviche Sisters not properly dying permanently, allowing you to upgrade Bubble Bullet by killing them multiple times [*]Fixed visual issues with Fredricks grave [/list] [h3]Area[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed some soft lock issues in the shallows. [*]Updated colliders on Fort Slacktide for improved camera performance. [*]Removed a coral platform in Trade Route Detour on the way to New Carcinia that could leave the player trapped. [*]Fixed functionality on multiple magrails in Scuttleport, some of which would move slightly even while unpowered during the loading screen [/list] [h3]Localization fixes:[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a typo in french for "pet" [*]Two NPCs in Open Ocean had dialogue that was left in the game accidentally, and which lacked translations. It has been removed. [*]Fixed swapped East and West on the compass in Portuguese [/list] [i]We've been heads down today but this is us letting you know that we have seen all your bugs and suggestions reported in discussion, even if we haven't replied! It's our Friday night, so please bear with us if we're slow over the weekend with reports. Thank you for all the support, Crab Fans <3[/i] - Aggro Crab