Patch Notes v0.8.0 (Demo) - NextFest Demo Update

Dice & Fold

A turn-based dungeon crawler where your only way of attacking the enemy is by rolling dice. Roll dice to damage enemy cards to FOLD. Inspired by classic Solitaire, in a top-down table and enemies made out of cards, try to beat the dungeon with 20 unique classes. Build your deck, kill monsters.

Hey Heroes! We have been working hard on the NextFest update for the demo and we have been a lot of new items and new monster card art in the game. Also, we have a new trailer for the release date announcement June 24th! [previewyoutube=Cyy6JGOXhd8;full][/previewyoutube] Let's get into the details of this update patch; [h2]Dice & Fold Patch Notes[/h2] [h3]Sound Enhancements:[/h3] - Added slash sounds for a more immersive experience. - Enabled click sounds across various UI elements. - New sound effects for companion skills. - General sound rework and optimization for better performance. [h3]Continuation Enhancements:[/h3] - Gold and silver amounts, as well as companion data, are now loaded when clicking the "Continue" button. - Display "Continue" button only if saved data exists. - Fixed the issue where the game would save data in the MainMenu scene. - Reset saved data when clicking "Give Up" button. - Ensured saved data loads correctly for diceBagSlotCount, heroHP, and companionHP. [h3]Codex Improvements:[/h3] - Added ReactToPointer Raycast Disabler to codex details overlay. - Fixed item codex details child indexes and improved child index handling. - Codex panel now closes correctly on back button click. - Centered lore text content and fixed lore panel animations. - Ensured codex trinkets remain locked and fixed related issues. [h3]Item and Hero Management:[/h3] - Improved item cards to be purchasable with left click. - Fixed item cards being purchasable with right click in the codex panel. - Updated hero special indicators and ensured correct unlocking conditions for heroes like Queen, King, and Savant. - Ensured hero cards and companion skills are displayed and function correctly in the codex panel. [h3]General Fixes:[/h3] - Fixed issues with hero and companion VFX light components. - Resolved issues with saved game data, ensuring proper continuation with saved items, dice slots, and companion states. - Addressed issues with hover animations and tooltips in the codex panel. - Fixed unlock conditions and icon display for various items and skills. [h3]User Interface Adjustments:[/h3] - Enhanced layout rendering and text visibility. - Fixed codex scroll length not updating from GameCanvas. - Improved pagination and responsive design for various panels. - Fixed state text opacity issues and improved overall UI consistency. [h3]Data Management:[/h3] - Revised data handling to prevent saving in MainMenu and ensure accurate loading of tutorial messages. - Improved handling of special abilities and item effects for various characters and items. [h3]Sync and Translation:[/h3] - Synced translations and images for heroes, monsters, and bosses. - Added new Chinese logo and updated other language-specific assets. [b]Updates and Balance:[/b] - Adjusted monster damage and run list balance. - Implemented additional methods for granting gold during shop stages. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/2646920ea67e56e7fdd69118dc8d727018f85bff.png[/img] This update brings a host of improvements and bug fixes, enhancing the overall gameplay experience and ensuring smoother continuation with saved data. Enjoy the new sounds and improved UI responsiveness as you dive back into the world of Dice & Fold!