Patch notes for v1.02.941 - Support for wide screens and difficulty rebalance

Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance

Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance is not just a game; it's an adrenaline-fueled journey where your strategic prowess decides the fate of mankind against the machines. After the machines took over, the greatest threats may not come from the machines but rather from other human survivors.

Hello everyone, Another important update has just been released today that [b]adds full Widescreen Monitor Support[/b]. This update also includes many difficulty tweaks on various missions, including tweaks to unit supply costs through the campaign. There are also lots of other improvements and bug fixes. [u]v1.02.941[/u] [list] [*] [b]ADDED FULL WIDESCREEN MONITOR FUNCTIONALITY[/b]; [*] The base difficulty level has been renamed to Normal, it is now selected by default when starting a new campaign; [*] [b]REDUCED DAMAGE TAKEN BY PLAYER UNITS AT NORMAL AND MEDIUM DIFFICULTY LEVELS;[/b] [*] [b]DAILY ARMY SUPPLY CONSUMPTION RATE NOW DEPENDS ON DIFFICULTY LEVEL. ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY SUPPLY CONSUMPTION RATE IS REDUCED BY 40%;[/b] [*] Added a warning to the vehicle disassembly window; [*] Spare parts has been increased for some vehicles; [*] On the Abiquiu mission, the behaviour of enemies and their number have been changed to make it easier for the player to save Kondo and the Civilians; [*] On the Nueva Tortuga mission, the part from the beginning of the uprising until the arrival of the first reinforcement has had difficulty changes to make it less difficult. [*] On the Nueva Tortuga mission, the player’s reinforcement spawn area was moved further away from enemy locations (to see this change, the mission must be started from the very beginning with the Strategic Map); [*] On the Nueva Tortuga mission, fixed the issue of leaving vehicles behind if Mason is on the vehicle as a crew during the exit from the mission (to see this change, you have to use the save made before the first reinforcement); [*] Fixed a bug that could cause platform turrets to constantly increase after save loads; [*] Fixed a bug that could cause crews to get stuck inside vehicles; [*] Fixed several rare random crashes; [*] Fixed a bug in Multiplayer where the game continued waiting indefinitely waiting for other players, after starting the game in multiplayer; [*] Added warnings when clients are disconnected when starting a multiplayer game; [*] To adjust the balance in multiplayer, additional squads of swarm and homunculi with SMAW has been added to Legions unit set; [*] To adjust the balance in multiplayer, additional infantry slots and units have been added for Movement. [*] "On the Nueva Tortuga mission, a rare bug has been fixed due to which the mission could be considered lost when Luiz, Mason's or Church's squad leaving sector";* *To avoid this bug you have to use the save made before you won the Cartel on this mission. [*] Fixed disappearance of the squad's healing indicator; [*] Fixed a rare bug where the task "Clear Legion forces out of the area" in Abiquiu was not considered completed due to hidden single Legion units; [*] Additional allied forces have been added at the beginning of the Movement Outpost mission so that the player can fight off Rev-6 even if he came to the mission with a very small army; [*] Integrators on the Santa Fe outskirts mission should no longer immediately become enemies due to the player's unit accidentally passing through their territory; [*] On the Nueva Tortuga mission, a rare bug has been fixed due to which the mission could be [*] considered lost when Luiz, Mason's or Church's squad leaving sector; [*] Fixed a bug with Kelso's dialogue button disappearing when his Bradley is destroyed (Vega mission); [*] In the Fort Worth mission, a rare issue with Stevens leaving the map has been fixed; [*] Minor difficulty tweaks (on Normal and Medium difficulty levels) on Haven Base Mission; [*] Difficulty tweaks (on Story and Medium difficulty levels) on Santa Fe outskirts Mission; [*] Difficulty tweaks on Vega Mission; [*] Minor difficulty tweaks on Nueva Tortuga Mission (at the spawn of the player's main [*] reinforcements); [*] Reduced the level of Skulls squad to reduce the randomness when fighting with him in a duel on Nueva Tortuga Mission; [*] In multiplayer now only one artillery slot is given per reinforcement phase. [/list]