Patch Notes 0.6.3-EarlyAccess!

World of Grimm

Dive into the enchanting universe of Grimm Fairytales! Collect powerful cards, engage in fast-paced battles, and rewrite the destiny of iconic characters. Unleash your strategic skills in this captivating and fast-paced collectible card game. Join the adventure now!

[h3]0.6.3-EarlyAccess! Build Change Notes - March 31, 2024 [/h3] [b]NEW CARD ART[/b]: [list] [*] Infestation - Original Art [/list] [b]BALANCE CHANGES[/b]: [list] [*] Realm Update - [b]Grandmother's House[/b] ----> Old -> Your first card played here transforms into a random Card of the same Mana. ----> [b]New -> On Turn 6, your Cards cost 3 Mana.[/b] [i]Grandmother's House has been reworked more than once to try to make it feel fun and it just never was. This change should let you really be able to strategize for a heavy Turn 6 combo.[/i] [/list] [b]ADDITIONS[/b]: [list] [*] New players load the tutorial on first load. [/list] [b]CHANGES[/b]: [list] [*] Exit Game is now available in every screen that is not a match screen. [*] Concede is now available from the Settings menu in game. [*] The game mode screen that lets you choose between regular match and tutorial does not exist anymore. [/list] [b]FIXES[/b]: [list] [*] Fixed issue where [b]Hildebrand[/b]'s ability would not activate or wait for the reactivation of the cards he reactivated. [/list] [b]KNOWN ISSUES[/b]: [list] [*] We're aware of an issue where [b]Allerleirauh[/b] does not transform correctly and has been currently disabled from all collections. [*] We're aware of an issue where [b]Damien Sykora[/b] does not send the next card you play to the opponent's side. [*] We're aware of sometimes an interaction between cards does not completely resolve, freezing the match into a "Waiting" state. [*] We're aware that some players that log in from another computer for some reason are having their CCL reversed, if this happens please send an email to with a screenshot to see how many cards you've unlocked and we can set your CCL correctly. [/list] Join our Discord if you haven't already! [url=][/url] Good luck and happy collecting! Josh Studio Head / Static City Games