Patch 31. Preparing for release.

Last Days Of Tascaria

Last Days Of Tascaria is a roguelite RPG where your decisions affect encounters and decide which one of the six endings you get. The depth of its real time pausable combat will put your skills to the test. Are you ready to save Tascaria?

[img][/img] New patch there!! A lot of content and changes as we get ready for release. [h1]Content[/h1] [list] [*]Emissary combat improved. Stunning him, will stun all his allies. [*]Added level 2 and 3 of frost arrow ability. [*]Added new items. Consumable scrolls. [*]After helping the mages summoning new option is given. [*]Now The event of the "Lich king statue completed" can be avoided. [*]New location. Battlefield. [*]Added level 2 and 3 of charm ability. [*]Added level 2 and 3 of the perks that were not completed. [*]Added level 3 of Spears ability. [*]Added new items. Fire rings. [*]Added multiple encounters to the forest at height 3. [/list] [h1]Functionality[/h1] [list] [*]Now damage bonus from behind has a bigger role. It works on all melee attacks and not just some roghe attacks. Base bonus damage is +20%. [*]Improved area spell casting. Now hovering over an ally while casting doesnt removed the area image. [*]Now vulnerabilities changes are updated in tooltips. [*]Improved loot obtained. [*]Item color name changes depending on the tier of the item. [*]Added difficulty screens, and improved differences between difficulties. [/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] [list] [*]Increased Scorpion fight difficulty. Health increased and 2 medusas added at the beginning. [*]Demon combat fleeing point increased, making the combat easier. [*]Possessed orcs damage increased. [*]Now graveyards don't appear in height 3 and 4. [*]You can´t get free grimoire with low standing with the mages. [*]Entering a pool now removes fire effects. [*]Improved dancing blade again. Now it removes 2 dodge when it hits. [*]Now frozen water effect works on large enemies and bosses. [*]Assassin's cloak changed. It gives +10 armour, +1 dodge and +20% damage. [/list] [h1]Bugs[/h1] [list] [*]Goblin reach with swords and axes was too short. [*]Wrong background in graveyard fight. Possible to get a desert background fighting in the mountains. [*]Dead allies culd be selected. [*]Summoned enemies didn´t have tooltip. [*]Damage bonus was not being applied. [*]Minotaur combat didn´t give any loot. [*]Summoned demons were not attacking. [*]Character could get stuck drinking a potion. [*]Black runes bottles appeared filled initially. [/list] [h1]Minor details[/h1] [list] [*]Changed some enemies names and faction. [*]Improved Emissary teleport. Better location now. [*]Some texts corrected. [/list] [h1]Visual Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]Big change to all mountain maps. All of them have been redrawn. [*]Many visual changes to possesed orcs combat. Added demon appearing image. Added visual indicator of possession. [*]Using the book the of the dead in the graveyard now appears in blue. [*]Armour types representation changed. [*]Improved upgrade abilities screen. [/list]