Patch 24. Achievements and fire.

Last Days Of Tascaria

Last Days Of Tascaria is a roguelite RPG where your decisions affect encounters and decide which one of the six endings you get. The depth of its real time pausable combat will put your skills to the test. Are you ready to save Tascaria?

[img][/img] New patch there!! Achievements, new encounter in the desert, big improvement to fire damage, and much more!! [h1]Content[/h1] [list] [*]New item. Agility potion. [*]Added 11 new Steam achievements. [*]New encounter on the desert. The Ancient Ones. [*][spoiler]If you awaken the Ancient Ones, you will get access to a new menu with clerical powers.[/spoiler] [*]Scorpion tail now can be killed. [*]Ugur camp has been modified. [/list] [h1]Functionality[/h1] [list] [*]Now you can see individual leadership values hoovering over the leadership bar. [*]Added level up notification when you level up. [*]Tooltips and cost added to the Blackhorn and Greenskin menus. [*]Now locked items show the tooltip. [/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] [list] [*]Fire damage over time vastly increased. Now increasing the fire level is much better. The average damage per second changed according to this: L1: 12-> 12 (No change) L2: 15-> 17 L3: 18-> 27 L4: 21-> 40 L5: 25-> 61 L6: 31-> 90 L7: 37-> 137 [*]Previously heroes were seriously staggered when they received more than 40 damage in a single hit. This value now is much higher, and depends on the hero. 65 Everyone, but the warriors. 85 for them. [*]Nerfed elves ice arrow. Slow 60% -> 36% [*]Buffed Leather armor. 10 -> 20 [*]Buffed Plate armor. 15 -> 20 [/list] [h1]Minor details[/h1] [list] [*]Changed message when you escape from a combat. [*]Some unused images removed. [/list] [h1]Bugs[/h1] [list] [*]Some steps of quests were not visible on the quest menu. [*]Wind horn was not moving enemies that were close to you. [*]If you resurrect during the tutorial, you can not finish it. [*]After resurrecting and loading, the character faces overlapped. [*]You could see the burrowed scorpion hoovering the mouse over him. [/list] [h1]Visual Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]The Demon summoning has been visually improved. (Now you see the demon, being invoked, and some other details) [*]Added arrows on lightning ball, so that you see you can move the ball. [*]Multiple messages in the tutorial improved. [*]Changed text with the hero type for the face of the hero when you can use a menu item because you have an specific hero. [/list]