Patch 29: Visual changes and first ending added.

Last Days Of Tascaria

Last Days Of Tascaria is a roguelite RPG where your decisions affect encounters and decide which one of the six endings you get. The depth of its real time pausable combat will put your skills to the test. Are you ready to save Tascaria?

New patch is there!! We added the first victory option. More will come. [h1]Content[/h1] [list] [*]First ending option added. Without defeating Chalishae.[spoiler] Destroy the statue of the Lich King and you must choose if you want to continue or not.[/spoiler] [*]New location. Minotaur den. [/list] [h1]Functionality[/h1] [list] [*]Abilities and weapons tooltips now show the type of attack. [*]Improved hero selection when you already have 4. [*]Now you have a better indication about where is the next step of a quests. [*]Now water pools do damage to fire elementals. [/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] [list] [*]Multiple prices adjusted based on your standing. [/list] [h1]Minor details[/h1] [list] [*]Some item names have been changed so that they are shorter. [*]Renamed some locations in the tutorial. [*]Standing is introduced in the tutorial now. [*]Multiple texts changed or corrected. [/list] [h1]Visual Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]The style of the rewards at the end of the region has been improved. [*]Starting screen has been improved/redone. [*]Quest book improved. Background added, styles improved and more. [*]Ice giant is smaller now. [*]Changed the transparency of some messages. [*]Multiple images in the tutorial changed/redone. [*]Changed quests notifications. [/list]