Patch 26: View standing.

Last Days Of Tascaria

Last Days Of Tascaria is a roguelite RPG where your decisions affect encounters and decide which one of the six endings you get. The depth of its real time pausable combat will put your skills to the test. Are you ready to save Tascaria?

New patch there!! Biggest change: now you can see your standing with each faction, so it´s easy to track what you can expect in each encounter. [h1]Content[/h1] [list] [*]Added level II and III to Speed perk. [*]Added level II and III to Armor perk. [*]Added demonic posssesion encounter in Hellish fields. [*]Added Blade storm II and III [/list] [h1]Functionality[/h1] [list] [*]Added tooltip on enemies, so that you get some insight on the enemy. [*]Now you can see your standing with each faction. [/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] [list] [*]Bleeding doesn´t affect undead anymore. It makes sense... [*]Improved axe bleeding effect. 5/tick->12/tick [*]Changed starting equippment for Hero thieves. Now both start with daggers. [*]Changed starting ability for Hero thieves. One starts with oil and the other with the net. [*]Decreased amount of camps in the Northern Mountains. [*]Escape portal now doesn't cost any blessing. [*]Ice giant attack speed greatly increased. 16.5s-> 3.1s [*]Removed boomstick as starting item. [*]Increased small staggering duration. 100ms->150ms [*]Frost cloak now has a cooldown untill it can be activated again. [*]Ice giant snow is generated 0.25s earlier. [*]Limited enemies in the desert so that they are snake men. [/list] [h1]Minor details[/h1] [list] [*]Some texts changed. [*]Added resource bar to the reward menu in the portal. [*]Missing tooltip on health III. [*]We´ve removed the exploding goblin. [*]Updated some starting items description. [*]Now summoning mages can´t be stunned. [*]Some heroes have been renamed. [/list] [h1]Bugs[/h1] [list] [*]The cleric from the gold thieves was not carrying any weapon. [*]Sphinx in the desert could not be visited. [*]Weird effect clicking a hero face while casting pyroblast. [*]Wrong location for area spells if you change hero while on pause. [*]If you buy multiple standing perks at the game start, only one worked. [*]When having goblins fighting on your side, some of them could be out of the combat zone. [*]If multiple standing messages are displayed at the same time, the value can be wrong. [*]Missing spikes in golem combat. [*]Oil ability was not obtained in the portal reward. [*]Dodge ability was not obtained in the portal reward. [*]Antimagic potion didn't work. [*]Attack area centered on the enemy if you clicked an enemy. [*]Possible exception in a graveyard in the northern mountains. [*]Allied yeti didn´t damage the enemies. [*]Exception using improved pyroblast. [/list] [h1]Visual Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]Cage can´t be stunned anymore. [*]Changed Ugur and Vrotgur camps. [*]The faction buttons are more visible now. [*]Improved northern mountains image. [*]Added image for hellish fields. [/list]