Patch 17th March 2024


THE DEAD RISE - Direct a group of survivors in a turn-based strategy survival game. Use survivor abilities, scavenge for resources, all while navigating a warped reality strewn with inexplicable phenomena. Come nightfall, undead seek the living. Can you survive, UNDEADLY?

Hi there I've released a patch to fix some bugs in the tutorial and improve custom game mode support. [list] [*] [b][Quality of Life][/b] Refreshed some basic values like survivor health and action points after saving custom game mode changes during an active game. Note that new games are still required for the full effect of game customisation. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a crash that could occur when navigating the buttons in the survivor screen when in the tutorial. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a bug where the zombies would reveal too early inside the tutorial in some cases. [*] [b][Bug][/b] The survivor hover UI now resets when exiting a menu. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Disabled access to the tutorial when using a custom game mode. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a navigation bug in the workshop menu which could occur when there were no tasks in progress. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed some config values not refreshing in the custom game menu when they should have [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a display issue on the HUD when large using custom survivor health values. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a bug where the day-night cycle would not calculate correctly for certain custom values. [*] [b][Bug][/b] Fixed a bug where a survivor could continue using their equipped weapon without the required abilities after retraining in the library. [/list] Thanks ːsteamthumbsupː Ryan