Patch 1.1.143

To The Rescue!

To The Rescue! is a charming dog shelter simulator. Take care of unique dogs and find the right homes for as many of them as you can. Upgrade your shelter, control disease outbreaks, learn each dog's preferences, and make tough decisions, all while helping support real-world animal shelters!

Hey everyone! we're back with another update! Mainly more bug fixing this month! [list] [*] General stability improvements. [*] Added better controller support. [*] Added saves for better future proofing. [*] Old saves could still have bugs, if your save is incompatible, we recommend deleting them to restart a fresh experience. We apologize for the inconvenience. [*] UI/UX has better user flow and now supports controllers. [*] Fixed several crashes that happen when some event happens in game. [*] Fixed bugs that make doorways not work properly (Not walkable or creates holes in walls). [*] Fixed bug that prevents some players from unleashing the dogs at the 'Play Spaces'. [*] Fixed bug where it's possible to get stuck in tutorial conversation. [*] Fixed bug that prevents some players from unselecting a blueprint in shelter construction screen. [*] Fixed bug where some saves could not be loaded. [*] Fixed bug where some players saw all their dogs become puppies [*] Fixed bug that prevents players to clock out in some rare situations [*] Fixed bug where the save can become corrupted and cannot be loaded [*] Fixed bug where loading save did not load properly and could lead to random other bugs [/list]