Patch 1.06o

Redaxium 2

Appease God every 6 days or die! Find a way to break the cycle of ritual sacrifice.

-Change/Fix: Default portrait is now auto-selected based on the character you selected. -Change: Using any UI element during Character Creation now is outputted to activity log. -Fixed: popup note regression. (for wide resolutions) -New: Every large map area has portals that exit you to the world map. These can be found at the edges of the map. The smaller areas still operate by the transporter devices. You can still simply press M to open your world map as well. -Change: Dialog menu now has a dedicated texture. -Change: Dialog text is yellow for now. (does not apply to free form dialog text) -Change: Saves menu now has a dedicated texture. -Change: Switched colorspace back to Gamma. Game looks better in this space. -Fix: Dialog menu not closing when clicking Exit in some situation(s). -Fix: Merchant Escort menu had no texture showing.