Patch 1.0.2 - Text Font Change

Final Stardust: Cosmic Nexus

A fast-paced Collectible Card Game focusing on the essentials, by a casual gamer for casual gamers! Easy to pick up, fast to play, and with no need to waste time on mastering the current meta, Final Stardust is a game for everyone who enjoys CCGs that reward skill, instead of min-maxing.

Since the game is now complete, I decided to fix one last issue people have been mentioning, the font. There is a lot of text in the game so it's not perfect and some text might not look great, but overall I think most people will prefer this change over the previous version. Let me know what you think. [h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*] QOL: Changed the font to a new one that's more readable. [*] FIX: Dark Fenichan's effect now works properly. [*] Fixed: Fixed an issue where Dark Hakkaryo's effect made the game crash. [*] BALANCING: Celestial Planos can now be debuffed (decrease EP and HP). [*] BALANCING: Changed Mephisto's level 1 deck again (Nekora x20). [*] BALANCING: The first condition of Supernova now compares player MGs instead. [*] TUTORIAL: Added overdrive condition in rulebook (normal or evolution summons). [*] TUTORIAL: Updated Supernova conditions. [*] ACHIEVEMENT: Wealth Accumulator and Blue Gatherer can now be triggered when you have exactly 10000. [*] VISUAL: Fixed some visuals issues with the destination UI showing flying Fenroar. [*] VISUAL: Fixed some visuals issues with player HUD in battle. [*] VISUAL: Replaced old non dynamic texts and made it use the new font. [*] VISUAL: Fixed some visuals with card visuals. [*] VISUAL: Added an animation fix to Dark Ryonibi's effect. [/list]