Patch 0.13b

Turbo Overkill

Turbo Overkill is complete and with many new updates (just in: spectacular ending credits). Clean up Paradise with your chainsaw leg, 15+ weapons & hovercar, and battle Syn (a super AI), bounty hunters, and cyberpunks aplenty. Apogee's most outrageous FPS since Duke Nukem 3D. Good hunting, Sir!

Small patch to resolve a progression block bug on Rooftops, but a couple extra things have been bundled in: [list] [*] Fixed a soft lock error on Rooftops [*] Fixed inconsistency in the Secret Level select menu [*] Alt-Fire cooldowns are now shown on the HUD (when switched on via the HUD settings menu) [*] You can turn the HUD off completely from the HUD menu [/list]