Outlaws Round Up - Community Highlight

Outlaws of the Old West

Outlaws of the Old West is a massively multiplayer survival MMO with a huge world, thousands of items and a modular building system. Survive the wild, build your own homestead, defeat villainous bandits and work with others to tame the Wild West.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34593893/51e5cdb9109d9b46c0442bb0eefcaf6bf7bb3953.png[/img] Howdy Outlaws! How ya'll doing yonder during this fine Summer? We've been trekking through the Old West, scouting out all the happenings in these parts and have been very impressed with the community's creativity and builds. Hard work deserves recognition, and we're looking to feature your creative works in our new showcase - [b]The Outlaws Round Up![/b] Every friday, we'll be sharing works from our community to our official [url=https://www.facebook.com/playoutlaws/]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/playoutlaws]Twitter[/url] channels - and occassionally, Steam! For our very first community highlight, we have a newspaper from Shark-A-Holic of Wild West-A-Holic! [img]https://i.imgur.com/cwwUxwQ.jpg[/img] It looks like travelers have settled in well, as they've made themselves at home at Shark-A-Holic's [b]Wild West-A-Holics[/b] server. We can't wait to see the town full of hustle and bustle. Check out [b]Wild West-A-Holic[/b] here: https://discord.gg/nezrQQf [h1]Interested in having your creative work highlighted?[/h1] Whether its a video, screenshot, song, fanart, or hand-made creation - if you've created any kind of content related to Outlaws, we want to see it! Share it with us on our [url=http://discord.gg/playoutlaws]discord[/url] channel or [url=https://twitter.com/playoutlaws]tweet[/url] us, and we may just feature you next!