Outlaws 30% off during the Snail Games Publisher Sale Aug 1-4

Outlaws of the Old West

Outlaws of the Old West is a massively multiplayer survival MMO with a huge world, thousands of items and a modular building system. Survive the wild, build your own homestead, defeat villainous bandits and work with others to tame the Wild West.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34593893/5d303f40573c43610e7a13863037e1ff14b10b97.png[/img] Whoah there, look what's coming around the corner! 🤠Outlaws of the Old West is riding in to join the Snail Games Publisher Sale! 🐎 Now 30% off until August 4th, it's high time to make your mark in the Wild West! 🏜️ Visit the Snail Games Publisher page here: https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/SnailGamesUSA Happy Gaming! :)