Ostranauts is a hardcore noir space-sim. Manage life aboard your ship, and beware the cost of every decision you make. Scavenge and explore the boneyard. Create, build, and customise your ship. Hire a crew to help but remember, nothing is more certain than death and taxes.
Hey Folks!
Ostranauts v0.14.0.10 is now available on Steam, and your clients should be updating shortly.
This is a hotfix patch to our recently released "Across the System" update, which addresses derelict flipping, a UI lockout bug, part install repair issues, and a number of other issues.
These changes should be compatible with older 0.14 saves. Though if that save has already had errors (e.g. like dead NPCs), some of those errors may continue until a new game is started.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused purchased derelicts to be pristine condition if first visited after purchasing.
[*] Fixed a bug that could cause null exceptions and user input lockout if the player lacked certain stats when the encounter screen appeared. (E.g. hacking a PDA while lacking an altruism stat)
[*] Fixed the REDACTED plot to have clearer steps, added objective tooltips, and cleaned-up redundant dialogue options after they were done.
[*] Fixed rotor and active stabilizer repair, pickup, and restore issues.
[*] Changed the amount of time necessary to repair and (un)install stabilizers and rotors.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused cargo webs and chairs to ignore tool speed multipliers.
[*] Fixed a bug causing gigs to call VORB_AUX 'Azikiwe Estates Transfer Station'.
[*] Fixed a missing ship type for sale around Venus due to a typo.
[*] Fixed references to FUNDS button in UI to use consistent wording that is clearer.
[*] Fixed a bug that prevented obtaining forged visas for OKLG.
[*] Fixed a bug preventing Aero/Plastic/Thin walls to accept PDA Orders.
[*] Added windows to the sundries kiosk.
[*] Fixed a bug making loose 1x3 and 1x2 slants invisible in ground grid.
[*] Removed station reactors from PDA->Install menu.
[*] Fixed a bug allowing Bin2x104s to fit inside themselves (infinite storage exploit).
[*] Changed Toilet/Sink to type APPS (rather than MISC: same skills, but fits the category better).
[*] Added atmospheric stats to Titan, plus parallax images for Titan, Ganymede, and Europa.
One of the top issues fixed here is a total UI lockout that could happen if the encounter UI appeared while the player lacked a core stat. It would begin loading, get stuck invisibly, and never exit, leaving the UI to ignore most input from the player.
Generally, these core stats should always be on the character, so this hasn't come up often. But we added code to handle cases where it is true, so the UI can finish loading normally.
We also fixed a bug which caused derelicts to spawn completely undamaged if you bought them from the broker before ever visiting them. This would basically ruin the ship-flipping loop. (Though it was a great source of cash, if you don't mind cheating!)
One of our plots had a number of stages cleaned-up for clarity, better player prompting, and removal of old/redundant dialogue options when in the late stages.
Quite a few items were also addressed, including issues with repair rates, availability in kiosks, or in some cases, missing ability to pick up or repair. This included some housekeeping in the PDA install and orders UIs.
Finally, we added some data to spawn atmosphere on Titan, and show that moon, plus Ganymede and Europa when near them. (Note this will only apply to new saves, since the old Solar System layout/data is saved with your game each time.)
As always, there's plenty more for us to fix, change, and add! And we'll be continuing in roughly that order. In the meantime, let us know if this patch helps you out, as well as if it reveals new problems!
Daniel Fedor
Founder, Blue Bottle Games, LLC