Ostranauts is a hardcore noir space-sim. Manage life aboard your ship, and beware the cost of every decision you make. Scavenge and explore the boneyard. Create, build, and customise your ship. Hire a crew to help but remember, nothing is more certain than death and taxes.
Hey Folks!
Ostranauts v0.14.0.7 is now available on Steam, and your clients should be updating shortly.
This is a hotfix patch to our recently released "Across the System" update, which fixes issues with the police encounter, Venusian derelict haulers, and other issues.
Most of these changes should be compatible with older 0.14 saves. Though if that save has already had errors, some of those errors may continue until a new game is started.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused police ships to be spawned with the wrong pilot types, often including clueless, non-police NPCs.
[*] Removed police spawns around Venus for now, since they were using OKLG laws and it was causing players to get stuck.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused police ship to immediately redock after player undocks, even if police crew was not alive, or missing.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused derelict haulers towing a ship near Venus to fly away forever, instead of deploying derelict in orbit.
[*] Added code to stop NPCs watching TV and playing games when they are in important situations, like police actions.
[*] Added code to make police switch from interrogation to arrest if player attempts to undock before conversation is resolved.
[*] Added code to make police angry if player undocks with them aboard player's ship.
[*] Fixed a null exception that could occur if MTT was showing an NPC that left the map.
[*] Fixed a bug that prevented the game from autopausing when police initiated conversation.
[*] Fixed a bug that didn't show progress bar on NPCs after loading a save.
Our last patch fixed a bug that limited the pool of NPCs police could be pulled from, but widened that pool just a *little* too much. We were starting to get any NPC that was even tangentially police-trained, and in one case, the Flotilla broker themself!
Needless to say, we had a lot of confused NPCs that didn't know why they stopped the player, and players getting stuck with them onboard.
This patch fixes that issue, plus a few other issues involving the police encounter. Police should once again stay on-script, plus a few new tricks to increase realism when players try to undock. (We also fixed at least one cause of the ship immediately redocking with the player, even if it had no pilot!)
There was a similar issue emerging around Venus, since most of the spawns there were actually spawning OKLG police, who weren't ready for Venus operations. So we've disabled police spawns there for now. (Derelicts around VORB are considered trash to be deorbited, unlike the valuable wrecks around OKLG.)
We also found a problem with the way derelict haulers were flying around Venus. They were trying to deploy a wreck near VORB, but using VNCA as a reference station for speed limits. Needless to say, that created some wildly conflicting instructions in their AI, and usually resulted in them drifting off endlessly. They should once again be deploying wrecks near VORB and returning home.
As always, there's plenty more for us to fix, change, and add! And we'll be continuing in roughly that order. In the meantime, let us know if this patch helps you out, as well as if it reveals new problems!
Daniel Fedor
Founder, Blue Bottle Games, LLC