Open beta testing - join here

Eternal Exodus

A monster-catching RPG set in the afterlife. Catch and fuse 150 unique demons as you journey to conquer Hell itself.

[h1]TL;DR: signup instructions[/h1] If you want to beta test, simply join the Discord here, say hi in the #steam-key-requests channel, and I'll PM you a Steam beta key: [url=][/url] [h1]Full announcement[/h1] Hi everyone, The game is finally ready for the first round of beta testing. Woo! Right now, it's playable up through the first boss battle / the end of the first mainline quest. So, although there's enough to get a feel for the game, it's only about 15-20 minutes long. I demoed the game at a small, local indie game expo this past weekend, and people seemed to like it a lot. So I think it's finally ready to start the beta test here. I should note that, since there's not a lot of content yet, it's totally understandable if you want to wait until a future beta test round where there's more to play. Feel free to join the Discord either way. But if you want to check out an early preview of the game and offer some feedback that will help shape the development, please read on. :lunar2019coolpig: I've created a small Discord server for the sake of getting feedback and suggestions. If you join here and post in the #steam-key-requests channel, I'll PM you a beta test key. [url=][/url] [h1]Development roadmap[/h1] Almost all of the programming is done now. And boy was there a lot of programming. I built the engine RPG "framework" for the game from scratch inside of Unity, not using any existing assets for things like menus and battle systems, so it took quite a while. The crafting/equipment system remains to be programmed, but that's about it. Now, my focus is going to be on creating content for a while. The game will consist of somewhere around 12-15 dungeons, and my goal is to knock out at least one of those, plus the surrounding quests and such, per month. I'm going to start on dungeon #2 and its surrounding cutscenes this week.